I have some problems extracting embedded binary data.
I select this exe file in the data elements dialog
I then extract "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\Test.exe" and then set the string to BinFileTempName$("C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\Test.exe")
Then I build the application inside "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\"
Let call this app main.exe
Now I launch main.exe inside the folder "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\"
The test.exe successfully extracts inside appdata/local/temp with a tmp filename.
I then copy/move the main.exe file to anywhere else other than "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\" and then it no longer works.
The Test.exe won't get extracted and BinFileTempName$("C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\Test.exe") only outputs "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\Test.exe"
What I am doing wrong?
The main.exe will only extract Test.exe if it is in the same folder where Test.exe was when I built main.exe
Even if I delete Test.exe from the folder "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\", it will still extract it when I launch main.exe as long as main.exe is in the same folder where Test.exe was.