Build 293.10 - Release version

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Second this. The only thing I'm personally interested in is more DX11 updates. DX11 is imho easily the best feature fusion 2.5+ brought but it seems like it hasn't been getting the love it deserves. AFAIK there's still no true fullscreen mode for example. More and more AAA games are dropping DX9 support (which is what, like 20 years old?) and according to steam's hardware survey pretty much everyone (99%) has a graphic card capable of doing DX11 so I see little point in using DX9 at all.

  • Hi, is it possible to add the "reverse active points" option for active object? When I rotate sprites with the FlipX Shader, the hotspots are not positioned correctly on the other side. Or just add normal option to programmatically rotate/flip for animations. Thanks.

  • Could it please be added on the next update a option to accept loading a incompatible .mfs (save frame position), removing the warning if checked.
    I know this was probably added to avoid loading a incompatible file and getting a crash, but seems like incompatible mfs may work without a problem sometimes but the warning appears and it quickly restore the previous state.
    Just add on the description of the toggle that it may cause a crash on the app if the app was heavily modified.

    Honestly I think that warning shouldn't be there, since we already can set a version number, so the version number could be used alternatively to prevent loading a file that the dev is sure that will cause a problem.
    For example, the game relies on mfs to save states, the dev makes a update and test loading the previous mfs, it works without any problem, so it's safe.
    If for some reason a update makes these incompatible on the testing, the dev just increment the version number to avoid loading mfs from the previous update.

    Seems like a pretty simple change, you just have to add a toggle that bypass the warning and give the usual routine of loading a mfs file.

  • Could it please be added on the next update a option to accept loading a incompatible .mfs (save frame position), removing the warning if checked.
    I know this was probably added to avoid loading a incompatible file and getting a crash, but seems like incompatible mfs may work without a problem sometimes but the warning appears and it quickly restore the previous state.
    Just add on the description of the toggle that it may cause a crash on the app if the app was heavily modified.

    Honestly I think that warning shouldn't be there, since we already can set a version number, so the version number could be used alternatively to prevent loading a file that the dev is sure that will cause a problem.
    For example, the game relies on mfs to save states, the dev makes a update and test loading the previous mfs, it works without any problem, so it's safe.
    If for some reason a update makes these incompatible on the testing, the dev just increment the version number to avoid loading mfs from the previous update.

    Seems like a pretty simple change, you just have to add a toggle that bypass the warning and give the usual routine of loading a mfs file.

    Even if you change a single line of event this can cause bad issues. IIRC it saves flags for every single event line, so if any event line is added or removed in the middle of the events this will cause issues.

  • Hi, is it possible to add the "reverse active points" option for active object? When I rotate sprites with the FlipX Shader, the hotspots are not positioned correctly on the other side. Or just add normal option to programmatically rotate/flip for animations. Thanks.

    Not possible as hotspots are associated with individual images, sorry.

  • Sad to hear about Save Frame feature, I guess it it was a bit more flexible it would help a lot.
    Tyrexchip suggestions are also interesting, specially the ones for shaders, some of which I have suggested before.

    Anyway, I know I've asked for DeltaTime expression before, but I have something to add that might make it more relevant.
    As we all (or some of us, really) know, built-in movements and animations use the Movement Timer value.
    Movement Timer is a almost hidden option that is actually super useful, but we can't read or set Movement Timer during runtime for some reason.

    A while ago Upp made a extension that read and sets Movement Timer for me, and it worked surprisingly well.
    But, it can only be done for Windows with the current SDK, and I feel like this could be even more useful...

    So what if we had this action:
    - Set Movement Timer

    So what if we had these new expressions:
    - Get Movement Timer
    - Get DeltaTime

    DeltaTime value being this equation:
    (timer - previous frame timer) / (1000.0 / Movement Timer value)

    It might be more precise and efficient than programming it through events, and of course, would be simpler as well by using Movement Timer instead of predefined values (Eg. 60).

    But another thing that could be really interesting as an easy to use alternative to "Machine Independent Speed" option...
    What if we had a toggle for "Run events based on Movement Timer", meaning it would be instant, easy to use, "DeltaTime".
    Would be great for people that have problems when the game runs in lower FPS, meaning built-in movements would keep consistent speed but events would run in a lower pace, causing a lot of issues.
    Would also save a ton of processing for apps that need to run events faster but don't need to render more frames, useful for applications.

    I know that the SDK has a supposedly deltatime variable, but I have no idea what that outputs, what's the equation behind it, and if it's even hooked to Movement Timer (or anything really).
    So that might be a place to start.

  • Hi,
    Thank you very much for this "Export Animation" and "Load Animation" feature which avoids to export all frame files and corresponding hotspots and action points. It also spare the need to prepare a dummy object with the exact number of dummy frames as in the original animation.
    It made my ActiveObjectExporter extension obsolete which is actually great.
    I do not know if it was asked before but I have a few questions/suggestions:
    - I did not manage to export all animations at once, just the current selected animation. Would it be possible to have an option to export them all at once in different files (object_0.anm, object_1.anm, ...) or just one file for all?
    - Since these exported anm files needs to be imported at runtime, would it be possible to load all files from a folder and subfolders (typically a data folder with animation, sound and data files) in the binary data menu instead of adding them file per file. It will allow the developer to embed all the files at once when building the exe. If there is already another easy way to do the same thing, please tell me.


  • - I did not manage to export all animations at once, just the current selected animation. Would it be possible to have an option to export them all at once in different files (object_0.anm, object_1.anm, ...) or just one file for all?

    IIRC it will export all animation of one active at once. And when you import it, the hierarchy of target object's animation is changed to the origin object. Personally I recommend to at least have a dummy animation for fusion to retrieve animation name.

  • IIRC it will export all animation of one active at once. And when you import it, the hierarchy of target object's animation is changed to the origin object. Personally I recommend to at least have a dummy animation for fusion to retrieve animation name.

    I tried yesterday and I was confused by the export menu with "from"/"to" frame options. But I tried again today and it is exporting all animations. That is great thanks.


  • IIRC the Binary Data tab allows you to import several files at the same time, am I wrong? I'll check.

    Adding more files is working. I mean a folder tree structure. For example:
    | |
    | backgrounds
    | | |
    | | background1.png
    | | background2.png
    | units
    | | |
    | | heroes
    | | | |
    | | | hero1.anm
    | | | hero2.anm
    | | enemies
    | | |
    | | enemy1.anm
    | | enemy2.anm
    | effects
    | |
    | effect1.anm
    | effect2.anm
    | |
    | movement
    | |
    | magic
    | |
    | weapons
    | |


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