I am having the same issue.
Do I understand it correctly that the solution suggested is to use a beta version?
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Open a TicketI am having the same issue.
Do I understand it correctly that the solution suggested is to use a beta version?
latest version 293.9 reach API 31 and can build api 12, you may use this beta is working ok so far.
latest version 293.9 reach API 31 and can build api 12, you may use this beta is working ok so far.
If this version is working why is it not released as a stable version?
I don't want to risk our game getting problems because I use a beta version. We have today, 28 november 2021, 101k downloads and good average reviews and money is coming in. If the beta gives problems there is no way for me to reverse to a previous build since Google will not accept it. You see my dilemma here?
I have started rebuilding the whole game in another engine but until that is done it would have been nice to have a working update of Fusion.
hi, I could ask you with 101k of downloads how much you can more or less earn and how many people still have your game installed on their phone? Thank you
hi, I could ask you with 101k of downloads how much you can more or less earn and how many people still have your game installed on their phone? Thank you
Hi Janpier, we have since release August last year had between 9-14% of total downloads as daily users.
The earnings depends on what and for how much you are selling items in the game. Our lowest cost in the game is about 0.9€. The highest, which gives you access to everything in the game is about 7.00€.
So far we have an average of about 50€/month (after Google's 15% deduction) and it is steadily raising. The game has 7 languages which helps I think since many of our users are young.
The stars are at 4.2 with 420 review.
Hope that helps.
what is this game please?
what is this game please?
It's a simple horse game where you jump obstacles and care for the horses.
Do a search for "byTiny" on Google play. Game is called Jump!. Download count still says 50K+ but is at 103K+ right now, don't know why it's not being updated.
Looks like Google does not update the download numbers in Play store on my app anymore. Only reason I can see is that it's not complying with Google's requirements.
Will there be a stable version soon with the settings Google require? It's really getting a bit upsetting now.
You are using an old fusion version, please update with fusion beta available at owner's lounge.
Please login to see this link.
You are using an old fusion version, please update with fusion beta available at owner's lounge.
Please login to see this link.
Thank you Fernando but as I mentioned earlier I will not use a beta version because if any issues appears I will not be able to revert to an older version on Google. This game is going well in the store and I don't want to risk it.
Question: If the beta version is so stable that it is suggested as a solution why is it not released as a proper, stable version? None of the serious softwares I use ever, I mean ever, suggest using a beta version for a final released game.
Let me check with Yves to see if there is anything pending at the runtime of the other exporters.
Yves mentioned to me that is now an official release
Tiny, the build 293.10 is no longer a beta version, it's now the official version.
I have te same issue. I got the newest version - 293.10 - steam edition.
I have te same issue. I got the newest version - 293.10 - steam edition.
Did you update to latest platform tools and SDK, if you have installed android studio you can update by using the sdk manager (update android studio is also recommended)
if not you have to update using command tool more details at this link Please login to see this link.
Did you update to latest platform tools and SDK, if you have installed android studio you can update by using the sdk manager (update android studio is also recommended)
I did but it doesnt work.
Check your Fusion settings in "Tools > Preference > General".
Check that you're correctly pointing the SDK directory (...\AppData\Local\Sdk).
Same for JDK (...\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre).
I checked. It's correct. I can build the game but the thing is that im still getting that 29 package error on google play dev console. Any idea guys? I have windows 7 btw.
Do you see the SDK30 in the SDK folder of Android Studio ? (...\AppData\Local\Sdk)
Have you already tried to completly remove then reinstall Android Studio?
Correct path is "...\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk"
And you should see a folder called 30.0.2 or/and 31.0.0 if installed.
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