McAfee now thinks all MMF 2.5 apps are viruses

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  • And it deletes them without notice. It doesn't even bother to quarantine them. You can except out the a particular file in the exceptions from the real-time scanner. But if you change the file, McAfee automatically removes it from the exclusion list. I'm beginning to hate McAfee. I think I'm going to ditch them. But this is an issue that really ought to be fixed.

    At first it was just the file object that McAfee hated. But now it doesn't seem to matter. Even a blank exe that does nothing will get scrubbed. If it was made by an earlier version of Fusion, McAfee doesn't seem to have a problem with it. Maybe even an earlier build but I don't know. It seems like anything I've built with 2.5 is now subject to being scrubbed.

  • This seems to go in waves of things getting triggered by virus vendors. Im just another user. Here's a link with info on how you can submit your apps you make to McAfee. Please login to see this link.

    Might help Clickteam and other users if you include info on what build you are using. current release or the latest beta release. Good luck with it.

  • I'm using the current release, not a beta. I've tried submitting stuff to McAfee before, and it didn't seem to matter. I fixed things for awhile by excluding the file object from McAfee's real time scanner. But now McAfee wants to find all Fusion 2.5 apps to be viruses. Even a BLANK APP that does nothing.

    I'm through with McAfee. I officially ditched them today and installed a different antivirus suite offered by my ISP (apparently I was just grandfathered in on the McAfee because I got it when my ISP was offering that).

  • How do I do that?

    (I think, someday I might sell an app I built. But so far, the only one using my apps is me. I've created some things I've found useful, both at work and for personal use.)

  • They will never stop apparently
    Also signing apps certificate is very pricey

    Just know as long as it's win32 application it will trigger atleast one MFA

    I remember I once made an empty win32 app with C++ and winAPI
    it triggered 3 AVs....

    It's just hopeless situation :(

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
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  • vireus found in kcfile.mfx by McAfee
    Also remove .exe buld by CTF
    Please login to see this attachment.
    Plz help

    Anti-viruses really seem to love targeting Fusion and Fusion-made EXEs. The extension it flagged is the File object, which I guess it saw as some kind of virus since it can perform various file and directory operations. I've never used McAfee, so I don't know exactly what is causing it to trigger, but you should Please login to see this link. for both the extension and your EXEs. You can also add a security exceptions for any files it flags (Please login to see this link.). Also, make sure that you have "Unpacked EXE" enabled. It should help reduce false positives.

  • And it deletes them without notice. It doesn't even bother to quarantine them. You can except out the a particular file in the exceptions from the real-time scanner. But if you change the file, McAfee automatically removes it from the exclusion list. I'm beginning to hate McAfee. I think I'm going to ditch them. But this is an issue that really ought to be fixed.

    At first it was just the file object that McAfee hated. But now it doesn't seem to matter. Even a blank exe that does nothing will get scrubbed. If it was made by an earlier version of Fusion, McAfee doesn't seem to have a problem with it. Maybe even an earlier build but I don't know. It seems like anything I've built with 2.5 is now subject to being scrubbed.

    It's Microsoft folks. Windows 10 has a specific code to call all .EXE Viruses now.
    However, you can add an exception to Windows 10 and above by adding the .exe to it.
    Only issue is, any Viruses that still run .exe will be able to install if you just randomly click every link that says FREE on it. X)

    I have my Windows 10 setup to allow my .exe files or others created without the certificate Microsoft use to charge for.
    However, again. Microsoft doesn't want people using .exe period. So, anything .exe is considered a Virus.
    Facebook and Google Drive, have both jumped on this easy way out Band Wagon.

    Try uploading a .EXE to Google Drive or to Facebook Messenger. Automatically Flagged a Virus! ;)

    However, Facebook is a bit slow on things. So, you can zip the .exe or simply change .exe to .WHATEVERYOUWANT then let you friend know that is trying the .EXE to change it back to .EXE. X)
    You also have to let your friend know to allow .exe in Windows 10 and greater. Otherwise that annoying little bubble pops up saying," Windows has Found a Virus and is removing it!"
    That would be your game made with fusion, that windows is deleting.

    Edited 2 times, last by VBEinc (April 11, 2023 at 6:38 AM).

  • Not to be that guy here, but everything you wrote here is completely out to lunch, apologies
    First of all the thread is 2 years old and about McAfee, not Windows Defender.

    There is no "specific code" in Windows Defender that just says all EXE are viruses. There is no agenda against EXE file format. Certainly, however, many EXEs will be flagged if they meet certain requirements for suspicion. And typically all incoming files are scanned by Windows Defender or w/e antivirus you may use.

    EXE is often a restricted file type with many, if not all, consumer and enterprise cloud services, including Microsoft, and as you found out, Google and Facebook. It's a common vector for infection so it shouldn't be a surprise. However neither Windows defender, nor Microsoft, has anything to do with Google or Facebook messenger or anyone else not accepting your EXE file.

    Microsoft doesn't make anyone pay for a certificate to avoid AV detection any more than GoDaddy makes people buy an SSL certificate for their website: it's a best practice EVERY legitimate company, publisher, software developer, web site does (and should do!) to prove to the end user that A- they are trustworthy, and B - the file you are downloading is actually the genuine article. Of course nobody is forcing any software developer to buy these certificates, but similarly, you can go ahead and setup an e-commerce website that uses only HTTP, and let me know how THAT goes for you :) Speaking out against certification is certainly an interesting take XD

    In regards to McAfee, I have discovered over the years that all third party AV are just snake oil. Windows Defender (since the last 10 years or so anyways) works as well or better than any third party product, and causes fewer issues like the one the post is originally about here. Just don't waste your money folks.

    Edited once, last by punchbird (April 13, 2023 at 12:07 AM).

  • Not to be that guy here, but everything you wrote here is completely out to lunch, apologies
    First of all the thread is 2 years old and about McAfee, not Windows Defender.

    There is no "specific code" in Windows Defender that just says all EXE are viruses. There is no agenda against EXE file format. Certainly, however, many EXEs will be flagged if they meet certain requirements for suspicion. And typically all incoming files are scanned by Windows Defender or w/e antivirus you may use.

    EXE is often a restricted file type with many, if not all, consumer and enterprise cloud services, including Microsoft, and as you found out, Google and Facebook. It's a common vector for infection so it shouldn't be a surprise. However neither Windows defender, nor Microsoft, has anything to do with Google or Facebook messenger or anyone else not accepting your EXE file.

    Microsoft doesn't make anyone pay for a certificate to avoid AV detection any more than GoDaddy makes people buy an SSL certificate for their website: it's a best practice EVERY legitimate company, publisher, software developer, web site does (and should do!) to prove to the end user that A- they are trustworthy, and B - the file you are downloading is actually the genuine article. Of course nobody is forcing any software developer to buy these certificates, but similarly, you can go ahead and setup an e-commerce website that uses only HTTP, and let me know how THAT goes for you :) Speaking out against certification is certainly an interesting take XD

    In regards to McAfee, I have discovered over the years that all third party AV are just snake oil. Windows Defender (since the last 10 years or so anyways) works as well or better than any third party product, and causes fewer issues like the one the post is originally about here. Just don't waste your money folks.

    You are Hilarious. I have Age of Empires ( Original ) and it is a Virus. I have the original Magix Music Maker and that is a Virus. I have the original HALO and that is a Virus. However, I guess being out of touch and not knowing anything. My Windows 10 now allows all of them to run and I don't have McAfee. It is Windows Defender that is removing Microsoft Applications.
    Also, I never said Microsoft forced google or facebook to block .exe. I also said, Certificates where what they did before ( Lawsuit for monopoly ) So get your facts straight. XD

    Now my Windows 10, I allowed .exe to be installed and played in the Hidden Administrator of Windows 10. That is now my account. Microsoft has no Access now as I blocked all their Channels.
    Prior, Windows Defender called ANY .EXE a Virus and Removed it Immediately. So whatever you think you know, Does not apply in this situation. As I seen it first hand and stopped it.

    Jesus, this forum is full of know it all's with no proof. Anyone that wants to run Fusion .exe or old .exe programs on their Windows 10 devices. Let me know. I can show you how I did it.
    I also removed most of the bloatware from Windows 10 to make it look and feel like Windows 7. ;)

    Also, what is with this forum and people caring how old a Thread is. The reason an old thread shows up in "WHATS NEW?" is because it is still relevant today. Christ!

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    Please login to see this picture.

    Edited 2 times, last by VBEinc (April 13, 2023 at 1:21 AM).

  • To be fair, you are kind of coming across like a bit of a conspiracy nut when you talk about Microsoft having some sort of agenda against exe.

    The idea itself makes no sense. Exe is a Microsoft-native format and is one of the cornerstones of their empire, since it underpins their big money-makers like business software and PC gaming. A world without exe is a world where everyone uses chromebooks, Linux, and iOS for everything, and Microsoft go out of business.

    What you describe, with Age of Empires and every other exe under the sun being quarantined, isn't normal, and doesn't happen to most people. Something is very messed up with your system.

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  • To be fair, you are kind of coming across like a bit of a conspiracy nut when you talk about Microsoft having some sort of agenda against exe.

    The idea itself makes no sense. Exe is a Microsoft-native format and is one of the cornerstones of their empire, since it underpins their big money-makers like business software and PC gaming. A world without exe is a world where everyone uses chromebooks, Linux, and iOS for everything, and Microsoft go out of business.

    What you describe, with Age of Empires and every other exe under the sun being quarantined, isn't normal, and doesn't happen to most people. Something is very messed up with your system.

    Yeah, you guys are right. Myself and about a million others have been dealing with this.
    You believe what you want. However, why don't you buy yourself a VERIZON SAMSUNG phone and Install one of your Android apps on it. Tell me if it functions like all other Android Devices and allows you access to internal files. I won't be waiting! XD
    There is a huge difference in Windows 10 versions. Some allow .exe and some do not! Mine did not at first! Now it does.
    I still have not figured out how to bypass Samsung Verizon phones blocks yet, though.

    As far as a conspiracy nut, Thanks. Funny thing is a conspiracy nut has no real proof. All I have to do is reset this laptop to factory and Walla. I can't install any .EXE files or else Windows Defender Deletes them. Same with many other users of Windows 10 and 11.
    Please login to see this link.

    Edited 2 times, last by VBEinc (April 13, 2023 at 5:57 AM).

  • Yeah, you guys are right. Myself and about a million others have been dealing with this.
    You believe what you want. However, why don't you buy yourself a VERIZON SAMSUNG phone and Install one of your Android apps on it. Tell me if it functions like all other Android Devices and allows you access to internal files. I won't be waiting! XD
    There is a huge difference in Windows 10 versions. Some allow .exe and some do not! Mine did not at first! Now it does.
    I still have not figured out how to bypass Samsung Verizon phones blocks yet, though.

    As far as a conspiracy nut, Thanks. Funny thing is a conspiracy nut has no real proof. All I have to do is reset this laptop to factory and Walla. I can't install any .EXE files or else Windows Defender Deletes them. Same with many other users of Windows 10 and 11.
    Please login to see this link.

    I can't speak for Volnaiskra outside of his posts here (but they always seem to be thoughtful and technically sound), and I'm not going to give you my resume and credentials (suffice it say I have a great deal of knowledge in this subject by nature of my employment over the last decade and a half), but your condescending and aggressive attitude is uncalled for. I understand you may feel attacked after being corrected not once but twice, by two different users no less, but chalk it up to a learning experience. I am purposely avoiding dismantling your posts here piece by piece to avoid any further argument, but rest assured the fruit is hanging so low the worms can taste it. Side note, you may want to actually read some of the results in your Google search there, it's hardly the "gotcha" you intended

    At any rate, as a test, I just downloaded an EXE I made in Klik and Play back in the 90's, and another made in TGF from maybe '99 to 2000, on to my Windows 11 work laptop. Aside from an admin prompt to install, it ran perfectly (I wish 10 year old me chose better fonts, though, X) ).

    You could use some education on these subjects, but by all means believe what you will, it's not my place to convince you otherwise

    ... and FTR, Microsoft's antitrust lawsuit had nothing to do with certificates: Please login to see this link.

    Edited 2 times, last by punchbird (April 14, 2023 at 12:19 AM).

  • There is a huge difference in Windows 10 versions. Some allow .exe and some do not! Mine did not at first! Now it does..............All I have to do is reset this laptop to factory and Walla. I can't install any .EXE files or else Windows Defender Deletes them. Same with many other users of Windows 10 and 11

    Wait - you're just describing "Windows S mode". Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Some laptops come pre installed with windows in a special ultra-restricted mode called S mode which only allows apps from the Windows App Store, and blocks all other programs. It's designed for ultra light users, or for businesses that want to severely restrict their employees' ability to download stuff. This was the case with the laptop I bought for my wife recently.

    Like much of what Microsoft do, S Mode is annoying. But it takes literally about 30 seconds to fix. There's an official Microsoft utility on the Windows Store called something like "switch out of S mode". You download it, click on it, and S mode vanishes from your system permanently. EXEs become allowed on your system as normal. Problem solved.

    As such, S Mode has virtually no relevance to the greater discussion of this thread, because anyone who is successfully running Clickteam Fusion is not running in S mode. And it's unlikely that a user who has downloaded a Fusion-made EXE is in S Mode either, unless it happens to be one of the very first EXEs they've tried to install on the first day of using a brand new laptop.

    I probably should have clicked earlier that you were talking about Windows S Mode, since I've experienced it myself this year. But it was so quick to fix that I only lived with it for a matter of minutes, and had genuinely forgotten that it existed.

    Any 'Microsoft blocks EXEs' talk is only relevant to the ultra-specific world of S mode. It doesn't apply to the normal world where 99% of PC users reside. It sounds like you've maybe conflated the two worlds to some degree.

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    My Fusion Tools: Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link.

    Edited 3 times, last by Volnaiskra (April 14, 2023 at 2:53 AM).

  • Exactly! Maybe I should have explained it better. I apologize if I came off rude. However, what I was trying to say was my laptop factory, removed all .exe files, regardless of the Maker. Even Microsoft games where removed by Defender and called a Virus. The fix, is very simple. Just add .exe to allowed files and it works fine now.

  • Exactly! Maybe I should have explained it better. I apologize if I came off rude. However, what I was trying to say was my laptop factory, removed all .exe files, regardless of the Maker. Even Microsoft games where removed by Defender and called a Virus. The fix, is very simple. Just add .exe to allowed files and it works fine now.

    Well, no. That's a workaround, not a fix. The fix is to remove S mode. It sounds like you're still using S mode, which you really shouldn't be, and which has obviously caused you unnecessary grief. Microsoft provide instructions for how to get rid of it here: Please login to see this link.. It takes 20 seconds, is permanent, and is definitely better than nerfing your antivirus by whitelisting all .exe files.

    S Mode is a chastity belt for your PC. What you've done is drill a hole into the chastity belt. That works, but the better idea is to just unlock and throw away the chastity belt.

    One of the main problems with S Mode is that although it's a draconian restriction, Windows in S Mode kind of pretends like everything's business as usual. Microsoft provide readily-available information about how to remove it, but you have to find it yourself; Windows itself keeps its mouth shut about S Mode even when you first try and fail to run an EXE. There was a little slip of paper that explained what S Mode was that came with my wife's laptop, but I initially missed that little slip of paper. So I didn't know anything about S Mode until I discovered that I couldn't run an exe. Sounds like a similar thing happened to you. But unfortunately, it sounds like your googling never led you to actually find out about S mode (and that it's really simple to deactivate it), so instead you had to resort to workarounds.

    Please login to see this link.
    My Fusion Tools: Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link.

    Edited 20 times, last by Volnaiskra (April 14, 2023 at 10:31 AM).

  • Well, no. That's a workaround, not a fix. The fix is to remove S mode. It sounds like you're still using S mode, which you really shouldn't be, and which has obviously caused you unnecessary grief. Microsoft provide instructions for how to get rid of it here: Please login to see this link.. It takes 20 seconds, is permanent, and is definitely better than nerfing your antivirus by whitelisting all .exe files.

    S Mode is a chastity belt for your PC. What you've done is drill a hole into the chastity belt. That works, but the better idea is to just unlock and throw away the chastity belt.

    One of the main problems with S Mode is that although it's a draconian restriction, Windows in S Mode kind of pretends like everything's business as usual. Microsoft provide readily-available information about how to remove it, but you have to find it yourself; Windows itself keeps its mouth shut about S Mode even when you first try and fail to run an EXE. There was a little slip of paper that explained what S Mode was that came with my wife's laptop, but I initially missed that little slip of paper. So I didn't know anything about S Mode until I discovered that I couldn't run an exe. Sounds like a similar thing happened to you. But unfortunately, it sounds like your googling never led you to actually find out about S mode (and that it's really simple to deactivate it), so instead you had to resort to workarounds.

    I have Windows 10 pro. What I have done, is made myself the Admin instead of Microsoft and have made my laptop to allow me to modify any file system I want now.
    Basically, my laptop now works like Windows 7 with Windows 10 Compatibility. I agree, allowing .exe is a work around but it works fine now. I can run whatever on it and modify anything on it.
    All that annoying," You need to provide administrator rights" nonsense is gone as well. Don't get me wrong. I still have not figured out how to remove the little icons for Administrator. No big deal though.
    Not having to deal with security messages, being able to modify anything again like 7 and not having Defender remove files, is good enough.

    Fusion works great on this hacked up version of 10 pro. Thank you though!

  • I have Windows 10 pro. What I have done, is made myself the Admin instead of Microsoft and have made my laptop to allow me to modify any file system I want now.
    Basically, my laptop now works like Windows 7 with Windows 10 Compatibility. I agree, allowing .exe is a work around but it works fine now. I can run whatever on it and modify anything on it.
    All that annoying," You need to provide administrator rights" nonsense is gone as well. Don't get me wrong. I still have not figured out how to remove the little icons for Administrator. No big deal though.
    Not having to deal with security messages, being able to modify anything again like 7 and not having Defender remove files, is good enough.

    Fusion works great on this hacked up version of 10 pro. Thank you though!

    I'm only going to say this once more:

    Get. Rid. Of. S Mode.

    Running in S Mode was your original mistake, has wasted your time with all those workarounds, has warped your idea of how Windows works and caused you to spread misinformation, and may still cause you problems in the future. Get rid of it. You probably could have gotten rid of it 3 times in the time it took you to type the above-quoted text. BTW - what you described above is more or less the normal Windows 10 experience. I don't have any security messages, VAC nonsense, "administrator rights" messages, or problems modifying any files on my copy of Windows 10. I find it as unrestricted as Windows 7 ever was, if not more. Living in S Mode has distorted your view of what Windows 10 is.

    Please login to see this link.
    My Fusion Tools: Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link.

    Edited 12 times, last by Volnaiskra (April 14, 2023 at 5:46 PM).

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