I'm going to set up a Steam PC in the lounge room as a Christmas present for my 8 year old daughter. She hasn't got much experience playing videogames up till now (and I've been too busy making Spryke to spend much time playing other games myself). Probably the most 'gaming' experience she's had is with the dinosaur game Google Chrome pops up when the internet is down, which is probably kind of insane considering her father's a game developer XD. I think it's a good time to introduce her to the world of videogames more properly. It'll mean she watches less youtube, which is some kind of improvement at least
I have a large Steam library already, though it contains a lot of age-inappropriate games, and peters out at about 2014, which is when I started working on Spryke and stopped playing other games for the most part. So I'm very out of the loop with what's out there. I'd love to get some recommendations from those of you with a better sense of what good games are out there and/or what games are great for this age group. It doesn't have to be Fusion-made games of course (that would mean something to me, but she wouldn't care either way). And obviously nothing too violent or dark, especially as her 5-year old sister may play/watch as well. And nothing very difficult, as her confidence wouldn't be high yet. She probably wouldn't be into racing or fighting or shooting games, but I can imagine she could enjoy platformers/puzzlers/rhythm games/exploration games, or maybe a mild anime-themed RPGish game. Two player games that I can play with her would be great. And also some games that my other 5-year old daughter might like. And definitely nothing with Free-to-play addiction/dripfeed-based mechanics - I'm deeply against that garbage.