Greetings Wonderful Users & Programs,
I wanted to share some screens from my finally, nearly completed game. It has been a spare time project across relationships, deaths, jobs, GDCs, family events and more over the last 6 years or so. First 2 are comparisons from 2015/2017 with today. Big, HUGE thanks to Please login to see this link., whose star generator example was the chickenwire framing for the eccentric sculpture of a game LOOTRONs is so far.
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I completed the game's soundtrack months ago and you can listen to it on your streaming and digital album platform of choice. Please login to see this link. and Please login to see this link. had some listens on Newgrounds which I was surprised by, that I released individually as I kept development going.
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Some of the features I am proud of, and taught me a bunch of lessons whether I wanted them to or not:
- Layers and collisions can be painful and some of the glitches became actual gameplay.
- There are over 700,000 possible procedurally generated levels in each of the 3 modes.
- Each time a new level begins in a mode, it picks 1 of 4 different songs to play. Those 4 songs are unique to each mode.
- Sound effects and music volumes. Still not perfect but much better than they have been.
- So much music composition, sequencing, designing, drawing, animating, writing, editing. Was fun to change arts when I got frustrated working on other stuff.
- Each pixel is hand made my me and animated, with the exceptions of visual effects skewing and stretching by some of the background extensions.
- I worked within the self inflicted design constraints of it being an unreleased arcade game that used to be a two sided standup "touch screen" arcade game that used two Zilog Z-80 processors in 1982. I tried to keep the color palette, animation, SFX and music within that era as much as I could AND kept it under 150MB so far. This is a render one of my kids made for me from one of my sketches years ago.
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I immensely appreciate this Community, everyone currently and previously at Clickteam for helping provide some of the tools that have enabled to get this far on one of my many projects. I am trying to release it this month, we shall see!
Thank You!