Problème survenu dans la création d'une application Android

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Bonjour,

    J'ai essayé pour la première fois de créer une application Android à partir de ce que j'avais fait pour PC.
    J'ai téléchargé SDK Android parce qu'il était demandé et j'ai téléchargé ce qui était recommandé pour faire fonctionner l'environnement de développement.

    J'ai essayé de compiler mon application, la barre verte de progression a avancé jusqu'au trois quart et puis j'ai eu le message suivant :
    "Caractères invalides ou erreur de syntaxe dans le nom de package de l'application"

    J'ai changé le nom de projet pour le faire le plus simple possible, rien n'y fait. Je tiens à préciser qu'il y a des caractères chinois dans l'application elle-même, mais comme les caractères sont encodés Unicode, cela ne devrait pas poser problème, non ?

    Pourriez-vous m'indiquer d'où le problème peut bien venir ?

    Merci par avance !

  • If I got this correctly, you are using a title project with special chars

    please always add a \ in front of those chars, example


    Chinese characters should work OK. (my test were conducted in the English version and with the latest patch) if this is not working at your side, try adding a \ before the title.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Please login to see this attachment.


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • Fernando : thank you very much, i'll try it today. If my problem isn't solved, i'll come back here.

    Yves : J'utilise Clickteam Fusion Developper version Steam version 2.5 Build R293.10 3 décembre 2021. J'ai dessus les exporter Android, HTML5 et iOS.
    J'ai aussi la version "normale" (pas Developper) non Steam mais dessus je n'ai pas d'extensions.

  • Sorry, my fault to ask you for the package name in your application.

    Indeed, your package name does not comply with regular rules for naming packages.

    1.- Upper and lower letters are allowed,

    2.- no sub part can start with a digit, must always start with an alpha char.

    Android request that your package name have at least 3 subparts

    example: com. string1.string2

    Please login to see this link.


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • Fernando : thank you for the explanation be honest, i don't understand really what i should do (sorry to be that stupid...).
    I read carefully what you sent me, i changed application name and every scene's name starts with a letter, i deleted every "special character". No scene name starts with a digit. I have at least 3 scenes (if subparts can be considered as scenes, which is something i don't know).

    Concretely, what could be considered as a subpart ? Whatcould be named "com" or "string1" for example ? I'm reading the whole article you sent me, but i'm not sure i got everything about what it means for a clicker (different from a coder, i used to click to create...). Could you explain a little bit more for me please ?

    Thanks in advance.

  • I solved the problem, it was only in the package name, i changed into com.myapp.application just to try.

    But now i have some errors, i will check this and i will ask a new question in the forum. Thank you very much for your help !

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