Issues with Active Direct Show and 3D Mesh in CF 2.5 DX 11 mode.

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi again. o/

    I bought today the 2.5+ fusion and I having more problemns with 2.5+ and Direct 3D 11 mode. Now with active direct show and 3D Mesh object.

    With active direct show, when I use the DX 11 mode, the transparency effect fades into a black square, in DX 9 mode the transparency works fine. As we can see in images.

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    About the 3D mesh objects.
    When I use it in DX11 mode the object shows this pink square behind the object.
    When I use the software render the pink background desapears, but I need the hardware mode because using the first one I cant use the effects in "Materia type" options.

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    Finaly... if I cant fix that all issues, which makes my game inviable in DX 11 mode, issues I dont expected to have, how I do to proceed a refund with Clickteam?
    2.5+ update dont serve me well if I cant do the things I made with the ordinary DX9 modein DX11

  • If the copyright in the Active Direct Show object is representative of when it was updated, then that would be 2009. The 3D Mesh object has an even earlier copyright date of 2006. Again, if these dates represent when these objects last received an update, then that might explain why they don't work very well with DirectX 11. I don't know if Clickteam (authors of the ADS object) or Erik Gustafsson (author of the 3D Mesh object) are going to update these anytime soon. I heard that even some things regarding fonts work differently in DX11 mode.

    If you'd like to request anything service related, then you should file a ticket at Please login to see this link.. Although I don't know what Clickteam's policy is on refunds in cases like these.

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