Hi, there's an issue I'm working on with my game, where certain animations are supposed to play based off of two input variables: The player position and the enemy position.
To map out which animation video files are going to be sourced from which filepath, I created an array that contains all current possible combinations and gives an output text to be used in the filepath that active direct show uses to locate and load a video file.
Here is a sample of my code:
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The main point of this code is to transition from sourcing from one filepath to a different one when the player presses a certain button. However, it doesn't work out. The video file doesn't load, which I take to mean that the filepath doesn't change in time.
I'm likely going to add more to this post once I wake up tomorrow, since I don't have much time at this moment and need to sleep, but what is the problem with my event that may be causing this video file to not load? (IE, ADS object listed as having no duration and position, (video filepath does not exist))
Is it because I'm having the x index of the array change in the same event that loads and plays the video? I assumed that if I had the x index change occur higher up in the list, that it would occur before the ADS loads the video, so that the array has enough time to transition to the different filepath output. Perhaps I'm wrong, I've always been a little fuzzy if the actions in events occur simultaneously or are ordered, but if they are, I'm wondering if the ordering here is not enough to separate the array filepath change from the video loading, (which needs the filepath to change before the action is performed).
Btw, my array dimensions are 271 x 83 (22,493 entries), if that's important.