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Special characters like slash are ignored when export as text
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Fusion display as if it’s multi-windowed.
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Special characters like slash are ignored when export as text
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Fusion display as if it’s multi-windowed.
It due to windows 11, as it also happens in 293.
I'm using Windows 10 though, and it didn't happen to me in 293.
I'm not sure if this has been requested before, but I think an Undo/Redo List would be useful for the Frame Editor, and especially the Event Editors
Something like this:
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I would like an option to open stuff* in new tabs by default. Shift-clicking gets tiring really fast and sometimes I accidentally open stuff in the same tab.
*frame editors, behaviors, etc. - basically everything that can be opened in a new tab with shift-click.
Request for a new feature
Add the ability to flip sprites horizontally and vertycally during runtime
This will be very useful if you have a lot of different objects that need to be flipped (manually would be very long)>:)
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scroll bar doesn't disappear when property bar can be displayed in one screen.
Previous build:
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I've gotten crashes when exiting the expression editor several times now. I haven't yet isolated what is causing it, but I didn't get that before 294.4
close expression editor with an "Okay" -> MMF2 closes
Navigating the New Condition/New Action windows can still get glitchy when you move back and forth between subgroups using arrow keys:
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You already reported this for the previous build, but I'm still unable to reproduce this problem, the menu doesn't close for me.
the menu is not Appearing when you right click. you got to hold right mouse then hover to menu to keep it there, otherwise it disappears
the menu is not Appearing when you right click. you got to hold right mouse then hover to menu to keep it there, otherwise it disappears
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very short video showing the menu issue.
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very short video showing the menu issue.
Yes, I posted a second reply after this one, just right click on a text for the moment, not in the empty space. I'll fix it.
OK, I think I've figured out why my Event Explorer was disappearing on launch.
So Fusion has a feature where the Event Explorer automatically disappears/reappears depending on whether the Event [List] Editor is visible. And likewise the Layers Toolbar disappears/reappears depending on whether the Frame Editor is visible. This feature breaks if you uncheck the "Editor Toolbar":
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In fact, I never even knew this feature existed, because I've had my "Editor Toolbar" unchecked for years. Anyway, the "Editor Toolbar" isn't a single toolbar, but seems to be a collection of them (Event Editor Toolbar, Event List Editor Toolbar & Frame Editor Toolbar) combined with a mechanism that automatically switches them on/off depending on which editor is active. And the Event Explorer (and Layers Toolbar) seem to also use this mechanism.
So if you have the "Editor Toolbar" unchecked, the Event Explorer remains open (and blank) even if no editors are active. When you restart Fusion, some other routine automatically closes the Event Explorer. But then when you open an Event List Editor, it should turn the Event Explorer back on but doesn't, because the above-mentioned mechanism is deactivated.
Since such a key part of the UI mechanics is quietly tied to the "Editor Toolbar", maybe we shouldn't be allowed to uncheck it. But anyway, now that I know, I'll just keep it checked and problem solved.
Ah OK, thank you, I'll check.
I am so happy with the progress as well actions to scale x/y separately. However I would like a way to set width/height of an object directly instead as a % of the original size. Say, the image starts as 190x190 pixels, however I want it to scale to 24x67px specifically. Now, it's better than it used to be as I can control x scale and y scale separately, but I'd still need to do some complex math to scale it to that size and it still may not be exactly that.
Also change the default application size to something more modern than 640x480 (1280x720 would be a good choice).
This is such a great update! Thanks Yves and the whole Clickteam team.
I would love to see a "DPI has been changed" condition so I don't have to constantly check if the application has been moved to a different monitor or if the scaling was otherwise changed.
Thanks for fixing the Welcome scaling!
Some shader effect (.fxao) not work in android.
(1) Display
(2) Drop Shadow
(3) Perspective
(4) Mirror
(5) Old_ctr_shader
(6) Quad
(7) Underwater Effect
Picture Editor:
Is there a way that we'd have an option to keep the customed transparency color setting to remain the same for new created frames/objects in the application?
The default transparency color in the Picture Editor is taken from the true black of RGB 0,0,0, while the black color at the top-left corner of the color swatches is changed to RGB 8,0,0, which in close examination next to a true black looks more of a reddish-black (this is since Klik & Play actually and was never changed / fixed in newer versions).
In order to paint or import an image with a true black of RGB 0,0,0, we need to double-click on the transparency box in a given frame to change its default transparency color of RGB 0,0,0 to something else. I mostly change it to pink of RGB 255,0,255. That way the black color at the top-left corner of the color swatches changes to a true black of RGB 0,0,0. The problem is when you right-click in the empty space of a sequence to create a new frame, is that the new frame gets created with the default RGB 0,0,0 color value for transparency. Very frustrating as you need to change the color in every single frame.
Currently to workaround this, I taught myself to duplicate the previous frame, which keeps the transparency color value as I set it to. The problem with this workaround though, is that I have to edit / clear the duplicated frame graphic content before drawing / importing a new graphic in it.
I really don't know what such changes involve in terms of how complicated the engine is written in the background, that I just wish to suggest a few ways that this can be changed to give us a better experience:
1. I mostly think that we should be able to change the default transparency color value in a higher level of the engine to our liking. So every new application we create will have this setting in advanced. Of course, that setting should affect only new created objects and not objects that already exist in a given application.
2. If the above is not possible, then perhaps that the new created frame in a given animation could preserve the transparency color of the previous frame in the sequence.
3. If the above is not possible as well, then perhaps that we could have an option to set the transparency value in the object's properties.
Hope this will be taken into consideration.
Thanks in advanced.
Display MoreSome shader effect (.fxao) not work in android.
(1) Display
(2) Drop Shadow
(3) Perspective
(4) Mirror
(5) Old_ctr_shader
(6) Quad
(7) Underwater Effect
Please remember that you can't currently apply shaders to Frame or Layers in Android/iOS (maybe Mac as well?)
Also, shaders cannot sample the background, so if these shaders are working, they will only affect the object you applied it to, without messing with what's behind it.
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