Fastest way to learn Fusion 2.5 Developer and DLC Content?

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  • Hey folks :)

    I'm new here. Got back into Game Design going on a year back starting with Construct 3(I love it), and decided to give Fusion 2.5 Developer a shot. I like seeing what is available as far as game creation/development tools and engines. I used the classic Klick and Play back in the day, when that was around and being updates.

    I've got the Developer version, plus all the DLC content on Steam. I kind of feel like the DLC should be included(at least along with the Developer Upgrade or something). But, I totally understand that Clickteam makes money per sale of each piece of software & application they develop. Thus not operating on a subscription based model, which helps other game engines/applications keep up with the current pace. So I was totally fine with throwing Clickteam an extra $60 or so to get Child Events, and other useful addons. To help support them as a company.

    Anyways, not trying to get off course here, and compare the two or start a debate. I'm just here looking for the fastest way to learn the ins and outs of Fusion 2.5 Developer and its DLC content? So I can start prototyping all various types of games quickly using Fusion Developer. I've followed the Tutorials line up in the included Documentation, and have been doing pretty all the way up until Cocobreak HD. It seems like the first few, get you going, then all of a sudden during the Chocobreak HD tutorial, the documentation is telling me to do all these things it has not taught me how to do so yet... Like adding in the Events for the Paddle. I gave up at that point, because I had wasted 30-50 minutes going around in circles trying to find the right object, the context menu, then Expression Editor in order to create the events it asks to be added in.

    Anyways. If anyone has any tips/tricks on the quickest way to become proficient in Fusion 2.5, that would be awesome :). Right now, I'm just finding all the various options, clicking, right clicking, and huge multitude of options(in the context menues) to choose from extremely confusing. I just need to learn more about how it operates, and the ins and outs on how to develop all sorts of things inside the application. I'd like to work up to being competent at more advanced game play mechanics fairly quickly. I learn new software quickly. I am proficient with Construct 3, and find it extremely easy to use. But, I've been using that engine going on a year now, and have some time under my belt.

    Any input or help in this situation is greatly appreciated :). I will try it out for a while, again tomorrow. Might just be that my time is better time spent read through the manual, and Please login to see this link. (From the Beginner section). In order to learn what all the options, menus and things do. Such as flags, which seem like a basic Boolean variable object.

    One thing I noticed is the tutorials so far, don't really explain where to go to find certain settings and options needed for general use and event creation. It will just say something along the lines "Look for this small toolbar here" with a screencap of the toolbar, then adjust the slider to zoom on and out. Okay. But, it would be nice to know where abouts it is initially located in the user interface.

    I hope everyone is having a fantastic day/night! :)

    All the Best

    EDIT: After posting this earlier this evening. I went ahead and ordered a membership to Click Fusion Academy, as it seemed like a great deal for the content If anyone else has other recommendations, feel free to chime in :). Thanks!

  • The Academy will have some useful tutorials. There are also some good youtube tutorials out there, especially almightyzentaco's.

    Any time you see something you don't understand in the interface, hit F1 and find the appropriate section in the help. The "help" documentation does cover just about everything, albeit briefly.

    From what I understand, Construct was based pretty heavily on Fusion, so if you're comfortable with that, you won't have too much problem with Fusion.

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  • Thanks for the input! I will definitely put your suggestions to use. I'm just learning Fusion 2.5 Developer on the side, and picking away at a couple projects over time once I learn the ins and outs of the software. I'll use a combination of the built in documentation, tutorials on the Clickteam site, along with the Acedemy membership to get my way around.

    Yeah, Construct is basically like visual JavaScript. JavaScript can be used directly in Event Blocks or used entirely for a project. From what I've seen the Fusion DLC adds in Child Events which are critical for game development. Pulling from the list of selected objects(SoL) from the Parent Events, to get further down to a more granular level for various game play mechanics. At least in my opinion, this is the cornerstone of any game engine to really dial things in.

    I can zip around in Construct 3 at the moment, and find things super quickly. There are search boxes on every dialog window to quickly find objects by their name(when you name them), which are then manipulated using the Conditions/Events system. So, it's just very quick to get around in and make changes.

    I'm sure after some time spent in Fusion 2.5, this will be the same way within the Fusion software. But, in a different way of course. It's just an entirely new User Interface and workflow to get adjusted to :)

    Thanks again, and hope you have a great weekend coming up!

  • There are search boxes on every dialog window to quickly find objects by their name(when you name them), which are then manipulated using the Conditions/Events system. So, it's just very quick to get around in and make changes.!

    These do exist for Fusion, there's a box below the object selection window when adding actions/conditions/expressions. If you have CF2.5+ DLC, you can search the entire application with Ctrl-Shift-F; events, global values, the whole lot.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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    Edited once, last by Phi (September 3, 2022 at 12:59 PM).

  • These do exist for Fusion, there's a box below the object selection window when adding actions/conditions/expressions. If you have CF2.5+ DLC, you can search the entire application with Ctrl-Shift-F; events, global values, the whole lot.

    Excellent response! I've been noticing these more and more as well, and have been putting them to use :)

    I had no idea there was a shortcut(CTRL+SHIFT+F) to search the entire project in its current state with the DLC! I will definitely be using that moving forward! I've got the whole lot, the Developer version and the DLC for Fusion 2.5. I want to see everything it's got to offer :)

    Thank you very much for the input, and I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!

  • Excellent response! I've been noticing these more and more as well, and have been putting them to use :)

    I had no idea there was a shortcut(CTRL+SHIFT+F) to search the entire project in its current state with the DLC! I will definitely be using that moving forward! I've got the whole lot, the Developer version and the DLC for Fusion 2.5. I want to see everything it's got to offer :)

    Thank you very much for the input, and I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!

    Yeah, those shortcuts can be such a game changer! CTRL+SHIFT+F really streamlines the workflow when you’re knee-deep in a project, huh? Fusion 2.5 with the DLC has so many hidden gems that can make development way smoother. Glad you're making the most of it! Hope your weekend’s going great too!

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