I have some problem with Xcode
using Mac exporter to build xcode project,
Testing and running on xcode fine,but when i use Archive and validate ,i have this message..
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Open a TicketHi,
I have some problem with Xcode
using Mac exporter to build xcode project,
Testing and running on xcode fine,but when i use Archive and validate ,i have this message..
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I have some problem with Xcodeusing Mac exporter to build xcode project,
Testing and running on xcode fine,but when i use Archive and validate ,i have this message..
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Xcode was perfectly fine for exporting to iOS, but I didn’t have any luck when trying to export Mac apps with Xcode.
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The solution I went with to use App Wrapper 4, it wasn’t a free app, but at least it succeed where Clickteam/Xcode had failed me.
If you want to push through with Xcode, the asset issue is may be due to the game’s icons. This was an issue for me when using the iOS exporter. Even if your icons don’t have any transparencies, Xcode is really funny with icons. You’ll be better off replacing the current icons with jpgs in Xcode.
I will test at my side
The first error is related to you. You must add a category for your app to be correctly located (this is done inside info tab).
Other errors, I am checking signing mode, but I will like you to mention which macOS and XCode version you are using.
I think the problem comes from the extensions I use. if I remove the Date & time extension, the error is no longer on the list , same for the platform movement object extension. But I need it for the animation of my character.
My config:
-Mac Mini M1(2020)
-Macos Monterey 12.6
-Xcode 14.0.1
Thanks Fernado, I think you will find the problem.
Update: For the first issues asset failed with info.plist must contain a LSApplicationType key.i add key manually on the info "App category "and choosing game.(see picture).issues gone
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Fernando answered at the same time
Can you show me an image of your signing & capabilities (blur your personal data as Team)
here is:
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And when you do the archive, you do it with automatically signing procedures, right?
Try to get to discord in clickteam/fusion to chat about this
Hi Again,
After building manually file.i have my game folder with *.pkg file and 3 others files.
To upload to appstore ,i use tranporter.and the result is same,2 asset failed .Please login to see this attachment.
I think extensions are a problem..i make a prg without extension to test i that work.
There is a new MacOS13.do i have to install it ??
Another not.When adding new provisioning app on the appstore connect,there is a 2 options.Appstore and Mac Store. Mac store is the right way for mac games?
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Display MoreHi Again,
After building manually file.i have my game folder with *.pkg file and 3 others files.To upload to appstore ,i use tranporter.and the result is same,2 asset failed .Please login to see this attachment.
I think extensions are a problem..i make a prg without extension to test i that work.
There is a new MacOS13.do i have to install it ??
Another not.When adding new provisioning app on the appstore connect,there is a 2 options.Appstore and Mac Store. Mac store is the right way for mac games?
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Did yesterday during the validation those assets appear to you?
No,if i choose manually and upload to my desktop, they don't need validation, Only if i upload to appstore
Validate App does the same validation as Submit App to the Store.
Then i want to know if you get the same answer when validating, you didn't mention this error yesterday at discord channel.
Yes,validate and submit is the same eror,but when i export to my desktop,i have no error.
Please come to discord..sending video
Hi again,
Just for test ,I built another games ,on this games there are no extensions.with Xcode archives-validate App. Validate success.
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Not Publish now.but I thinks all is ok.
Now my first games need extensions to publish.
Hi Fernando,
I'm not sure whether this was resolved but I have along had the same experience since updating to Clickteam fusion 294.10 (developer)
When trying to validate using auto sign I get the following errors, but I distribute App it builds correctly and run fine.
Asset validation failed
Invalid Code Signature Identifier. The identifier "com.clickteam.extension.activebackdrop" in your code signature for "ActiveBackdrop" must match its Bundle Identifier "au.com.alphaworks.manicinvaders.activebackdrop" (ID: 5c1564d6-7130-4697-b538-51007bcd5670)
Asset validation failed
Invalid Code Signature Identifier. The identifier "com.clickteam.extension.Box2DBase" in your code signature for "Box2DBase" must match its Bundle Identifier "au.com.alphaworks.manicinvaders.Box2DBase" (ID: 6af0be2c-12f5-40ab-9d3e-86dbf0022728)
Asset validation failed
Invalid Code Signature Identifier. The identifier "com.clickteam.movement.Box2DBouncingBall" in your code signature for "Box2DBouncingBall" must match its Bundle Identifier "au.com.alphaworks.manicinvaders.Box2DBouncingBall" (ID: a13cc39e-4b8e-4a40-8c09-12ec67861045)
System information
System: Mac Mini (2020) Apple M1
macOS Venture 13.0
Xcode 14.0.1 (14A400)
Clickteam Fusion 294.10
But when I build on my older Mac Mini (i7) everything works fine.
System: Mac Mini (2012) Intel i7
macOS Mojave 10.14
Xcode 10.1 (10B61)
Clickteam Fusion 294.10
Do you have any suggestions that might point me in the right direction?
many thanks
There are changes in new beta for the moment you decide to build the final application that will be available.
There are changes in new beta for the moment you decide to build the final application that will be available.
Thanks Fernando, I’ll keep an eye open for the next beta.
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