Large Active objects are automatically invisible

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hey everyone! So I had an active object in game that was invisible, and I simply COULD NOT get it to appear after an hour of trying everything I could think of. When testing it, I eventually discovered that active objects larger than 16384px (2^14) in one dimension are just automatically invisible at runtime. They also do not register as being invisible as far as event testing goes.

    The object I was using was only 1px tall and is supposed to be invisible in game, so it was an easy fix (I just split it into multiple objects). It was just really frustrating when I was bug testing because I couldn't figure out what was going on.

    Is there a good place to see a list of restrictions like this? I'm sure there are many other similar things that I'm not familiar with, and I feel like it's important to have information similar to this available in one place if possible.

    Thanks in advance!

  • IIRC, these sorts of restrictions aren't necessarily clear-cut. A graphic that works on one PC won't necessarily work on another, as different GPUs can handle differently sized sprites, depending on their VRAM limits and other factors. You can probably learn some of these limits if you look up comparison charts for different generations of graphics cards on wikipedia.

    But one thing's for almost certain: an active object with a 16384+px dimension is excessive, and not a good idea (I probably wouldn't go above 4096). Even when it works, you're likely to get an increased risk of slowdowns or stutters (especially on laptops and/or integrated graphics PCs), and you also increase your risk of blowing your RAM budget. Where you can, use smaller graphics and scale them (scaling has minimal effect on RAM use or performance). Where scaling is aesthetically unacceptable, break your large graphics into several smaller chunks.

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    Edited 4 times, last by Volnaiskra (November 24, 2022 at 9:53 AM).

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