Thanks Volnaiskra. Yeah I use expression as well in artwork I don't mind to be outside. For graphics that I want to be packed I can't use expressions. I even opened a topic about this recently:
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In expressions I can use alterable string and global string as part of the expression which make things really straightforward for dynamically loading things.
I think you misunderstood me, or maybe I misunderstood you. My understanding is that you hate having to use the mouse to click on stopped:
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What I'm suggesting is that you click this button instead:
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Then you just enter 0 into the resulting expression editor, which makes it use the "stopped" animation:
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You can do this for all the parameters, including direction and color, or only for those parameters you wish. So, if you want to still be able to use the file selector, for example, you can do that, but use the expression editor for all the other options. Then, whenever you need a new Load Frame action, instead of creating a new one, copy the existing one and modify as needed. Then you will be able to press Enter through each step, without having to use the mouse.
For example, if I copy and paste the action below, it will let me choose a file using the File Selector window, but everything else will use the Expression Editor, so I can hit Enter through each parameter. It will load the graphic into "stopped", in the default direction, with bright green as the transparent color:
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QuoteBy the way would you mind clarifying the "make sure you use the recently added preference to shorten dialog animation time"? I guess I missed that one.
Uncheck this option to speed up how quickly the Expression Editor opens. This slightly speeds up the process when you're hitting enter 9 times to get through 9 Expression Editors:
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