Hi there
I'm a fan of the Rick Dangerous series on amiga / Atari..
in 2011 a team (magic team) undertook to convert rick dangerous on wii, with new graphics but the project could not succeed because core design (holder of the rights) refused that they leave it on the wii.
At the moment a team is recoding this enhanced version on amiga (having ripped the magic team graphs), for my part I asked foxy if it was possible to have the graphs to make a PC version and ANDROID, his response was immediate and he provided me with the tiles that I had to put together with difficulty (8x8 pixels!) specifying that it would be a nice tribute to gouki, another member of Magic team, who has since died but who also wanted to make an android version.
It works on PC and ANDROID
here is a short video of level 1
If you want a link to test, I'll put one.
I improved the original with a choice of different scrolling, a traner, etc...
thank you again to Foxy.
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