Display MoreI have a small request - a "stop fastloop immediately" action.
For example:
+ Start of frame
-> Run fastloop "test", 1 time+ On loop "test"
-> Add 1 to counter
-> Stop fastloop "test"+ On loop "test"
-> Add 1 to counterThe counter will end up reading "2", because the "stop loop" action only prevents the next loop from beginning - it doesn't actually stop the current loop. In particular, if you're creating a the Fusion equivalent of a function, that you call by running a fastloop 1 time, it would be convenient (and more efficient) to have an action to make it stop.
It's a pain to always have to say something like this:
+ Start of frame
-> Set thisLoopIsDone to 0
-> Run fastloop "test", 10 times+ On loop "test"
+ thisLoopIsDone = 0
+ Some condition...
-> Add 1 to counter
-> Set thisLoopIsDone to 1
-> Stop fastloop "test"+ On loop "test"
+ thisLoopIsDone = 0
+ Some other condition...
-> Add 1 to counterIt seems like it would be relatively quick and easy to implement?
I do usually use the Break action for these kinds of situations but would be better to have a version of the action that stops it immediately.