Build 294.14 - Release version

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • you just put you whole game in a group; and deactivate it from outside that group; you must also; place when deactivating, stop/ pause movements, animations & sounds - and resuming/ starting them when reactivating.
    you dont have to track anything, unless its specific to what you're doing.

  • I wanted to use the No display surface property in my Fusion app, but I couldn't because it was a Developer only feature.
    The reason I want this in Standard (or Standard+ at least) is because I'm working on a game with Firefly, but if I try to record Game Capture with OBS, it will only get the main window instead of Firefly's window. I figured that turning on No display surface would fix that.

    Here's an attachment demonstrating what I mean:

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  • If anyone's interested, another workaround is to place the on loop events inside a group, then add a deactivate group action. This will effectively stop the fastloop at the current event, ignoring subsequent events. Of course, you need to remember to reactivate the group the next time you run the fastloop.

    Or use DarkScript. Interrupting loops can be done either way; stopping so current iteration's events still run, or stopping so it doesn't

    Yves I sent you an email on 9th November about runtime issues, did you receive it?

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • you just put you whole game in a group; and deactivate it from outside that group; you must also; place when deactivating, stop/ pause movements, animations & sounds - and resuming/ starting them when reactivating.
    you dont have to track anything, unless its specific to what you're doing.

    That is what I mean. This would be an excellent feature for Fusion as a one click option for Pause.
    I.E. Pause-able groups
    Instead of having to do everything manually.

    The Default pause for Fusion is useless to me.

    Tracking is just so every object is where it was when a user continues a game after exiting.
    Again, Tracking built into Fusion would be an amazing feature as well. Basically, saves via a button prior to exit and loads via a save selection.

    Nevertheless, thank you for your explanation.
    Is there any examples of this way of pausing available you know of?

  • Or use DarkScript. Interrupting loops can be done either way; stopping so current iteration's events still run, or stopping so it doesn't

    Yves I sent you an email on 9th November about runtime issues, did you receive it?

    Just want to make a push for Phi's Darkscript extension here, it's really a very powerful extension which if allowed to function and integrate with fusion fully (without bugs) could be huge addition and upgrade to how to build fusion apps. It's essentially a function extension but with some nice additional features. I know there is some fusion behaviour which is preventing it from being finished, would love to see this issue solved and released to the community. :)

    Edited once, last by SirEatAlot (February 1, 2023 at 3:57 PM).

  • I do not know if it is a beug but with movement path, if the last 2 positions are exactly in the same place, the pause on the penultimate position is not done, as if fusion canceled the positions that follow each other but which are in the same place which is annoying when you want a break at the end of the path (we can not put a pose on the final destination)

    je ne sais pas si c'est un beug mais avec mouvement chemin, si les 2 dernieres positions sont exactement au meme endroit, la pause sur l'avant derniere position ne se fait pas, comme si fusion annulait les positions qui se suivent mais qui sont aux meme endroit ce qui est genant quand on veut une pause a la fin de cheminement (on ne peut pas mettre une pose sur la destination finale donc le seul moyen que j'ai trouvé est de faire une destination supplementaire et mettre une pause sur l'avant derniere)

    si quelqu'un a une autre solution, merci

  • That is what I mean. This would be an excellent feature for Fusion as a one click option for Pause.
    I.E. Pause-able groups
    Instead of having to do everything manually.

    The Default pause for Fusion is useless to me.

    Tracking is just so every object is where it was when a user continues a game after exiting.
    Again, Tracking built into Fusion would be an amazing feature as well. Basically, saves via a button prior to exit and loads via a save selection.

    Nevertheless, thank you for your explanation.
    Is there any examples of this way of pausing available you know of?

    Pauseable groups wouldn't help much. That's basically the easiest part of the puzzle anyway: you just move all your code into a single parent group and open/close that parent group as desired; it just takes a minute to setup. The annoying part is all the other stuff you need to do: stopping/restoring inbuilt movements, animations, sounds, the timer. Movements/timers from 3rd party extensions may need to be stopped separately too (eg. flocking object, easing object).

    If you want to pause everything properly, I don't think you can escape from it being a bit of an inconvenience, no matter how you approach it. Though if you do everything with a qualifier, it doesn't have to be too messy . This is how my pause/unpause code looks like. Firstly, I give every single object in my game that needs to be paused a "Pausable" qualifier (the square turquoise icon in the screenshot). Then you can stop/start all bouncing ball objects, for example, with single "stop" and "start" events. The code to pause my game of 1000s of events and 1000s of objects is relatively simple:

    To pause:

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    and then to unpause:

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    Pausing/unpausing animations is slightly tricky, so requires some explanation. When you're using a single qualifier to pause everything, you can't just "stop" every single object on pause, and then "resume" every single object on unpause, because if some of your objects were already supposed to be stopped before you paused, then resuming them on unpause would be undesirable as it would make them start playing freely.

    So, before I pause, I record whether or not every object's animation frame is currently forced. You need the Animation Info object for this (which is Windows only, which makes me wonder if/how it's actually possible to pause things properly on mobile). I save this 'Frame Forced state' into every object's Alterable Value FF (which is so far down the altVal list that it's unlikely to ever conflict with an object's individual altVals). I do the same for whether or not the objects' animation sequences are forced or not (I save this into Alterable Value CP for Ceequence Paused, since Alterable Value SP doesn't exist).

    Then when I unpause, I ensure that any animation sequences and/or frames that were supposed to be forced remain forced.

    As for tracking all of your objects, have you tried the INI++ object? It has a feature where you can save all of an object's details (including I think its XY position, animation info, all its altVals etc.). Again, you could use a single qualifier, then just run a for each loop of that qualifier and save data of every single object with just a couple of events.

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  • yes you can - i do it on everything- including the tut game in clickstore. try the free version.
    you just toggle a flag when pressing your pause key; if that flag is on or off, start/resume stop/pause activate/deactivate the GAME group which holds all the groups for the running game

  • Pauseable groups

    Thank you, for this. Again, this is what I am saying. While, there is ways to Pause. It would be great if it was a Feature of Fusion as a Default Code.

    I have an Idea I may try to see if it makes life easier.
    Basically, I was thinking maybe the SUBAPP OBJECT could be Paused. While the Main Screen is still active.

    I will make a post if that works.

    Again, though. I was just offering ideas for the Next Fusion Build.

    I tried the .ini Object, but for whatever reason. I find using the List Object more useful for Saving.

    ***UPDATE*** It Works!
    LINK: Please login to see this link.

    Also made a post with the .MFA: Please login to see this link.

    Thank you again for your reply. It gives me a ton of ideas to try.

    Edited 2 times, last by VBEinc (February 3, 2023 at 1:21 AM).

  • yes you can - i do it on everything- including the tut game in clickstore. try the free version.
    you just toggle a flag when pressing your pause key; if that flag is on or off, start/resume stop/pause activate/deactivate the GAME group which holds all the groups for the running game

    I think you misread my post. I already pause groups like this (see event #2195 in the screenshot). My point was that deactivating a big parent group is a simple job already, so I don't think it would help much if Fusion introduced a special new feature for it. The real work in properly pausing a game comes in managing all the stuff that doesn't stop when you deactivate a big parent group: the timer, inbuilt movements, animations, sounds, and some 3rd party movements. All of these can potentially glitch or break the game if you don't correctly pause/unpause them as well.

    Thank you, for this. Again, this is what I am saying. While, there is ways to Pause. It would be great if it was a Feature of Fusion as a Default Code.

    In theory, I agree it would be good if there was comprehensive pausing built into Fusion. But it would still require a lot of busywork from the user. Just like you wouldn't want Fusion to pause all code, you wouldn't want it to pause all movements, animations, and sounds, because you're likely to want certain objects (eg. menu items, UI sounds) to still move and animate and play. So there would still need to be a way that you can tell Fusion which objects to pause and which to ignore, which sounds to play and which to stop, which code to deactivate and which to keep running, and so on. It would probably be relatively complicated for Clickteam to design a system that enabled you to make all these distinctions, and it probably wouldn't end up saving a whole lot of time for the user, since we'd still have to do all that busywork ourselves. I do hope they think about this for F3 though.

    I forgot to mention that using a subapp is another method. I've seen threads where people discuss this method, though I haven't tried it myself (IIRC it has its own limitations or issues). Kudos for thinking of it yourself!

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    Edited 7 times, last by Volnaiskra (February 3, 2023 at 5:04 AM).

  • I installed the latest fusion build and now my debugger global values are gone,
    i tried to reset the debugger window settings by opening regedit, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clickteam\Fusion Developer 2.5\Debugger and deleting the sp, wp and xh values.

    but the problem is still there :(

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  • Would it be possible to get a right click option (and hotkey if possible) to Paste As Child Event ? Right now, I always have to create a new child event, set it to Always or some throwaway condition, paste my set of child events and then delete the dummy child event line.

    This is for the Event List Editor, btw.

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  • Would it be possible to get a right click option (and hotkey if possible) to Paste As Child Event ? Right now, I always have to create a new child event, set it to Always or some throwaway condition, paste my set of child events and then delete the dummy child event line.

    This is for the Event List Editor, btw.

    This would be a good feature. But if you get tired of waiting for it to be (maybe) implemented, it's easy to create an empty child event yourself Please login to see this link.

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    Edited 3 times, last by Volnaiskra (February 4, 2023 at 5:50 AM).

  • Yves / Simon,
    Sorry to bounce this up, but I just didn't see an official response to my input yet apart from tk22 who mentioned that he reported this 3 years ago (I guess because most users here don't use 2nd right-to-left language in their system), but this bug is very annoying, happens to me on more than 1 system, and I find myself removing the 2nd language (Hebrew) from my system in order to work my way around this when filling in English letters in the Expression Editor; this doesn't happen in other places in the engine, such as the Frame Editor when renaming objects or adding values in the Properties panel, but only in the Expression Editor.

    I would very appreciate an official response from you guys please when you have time, so at least I'd know that you've seen my input and you're aware of this, and that hopefully this would be solved in the next update. Much appreciated. Thanks!

    Edited once, last by goldeng (February 4, 2023 at 9:27 AM).

  • I am glad someone else brought this up I thought I was the only person having the issue. I reported this 3 years ago here: Please login to see this link..

    In the video I was holding down a single letter and it would change after the first letter to English. I had to use the same solution restarting the PC but it will return after a while.

    Glad (and sorry at the same time) that I'm not the only one then. I've bounced up my original post above with hope for an official response that this will be addressed in the next update(s). Let's cross our fingers.

    Edited once, last by goldeng (February 4, 2023 at 9:30 AM).

  • Found another bug(?)

    When working with string objects, if you select them from the Frame Editor you are able to edit their values in the Properties panel without problem. However, if you're selecting them from the Workspace Toolbar the Values section in the Properties panel doesn't show up. It's frustrating as you can't edit their values from the Event Editor and need to go back to the Frame Editor in order to edit them. This doesn't happen with Active Objects.

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    Edited once, last by goldeng (February 5, 2023 at 2:05 PM).

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