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Yesterday, I added a Scaling event to my game to scale the explosion x / y to x / y +1 until the object was Destroyed. Which worked flawlessly on my laptop but froze up for about 15 seconds each time on Android.
The weird part was, it would not freeze until you touched the screen.
I have the Multitouch object in the game and for whatever reason, during the scaling event. If you touched the screen. The multitouch stopped doing it's job and the app would freeze. However, again. On my laptop with Touch Screen, no issues at all. Not even a small bit of lag.
Laptop touching numerous times during the scaling event = No Issues! Android Device ( Regardless of model or power of device ) one touch = App freezes and the " This app is not responding - Close - Wait " Dialog pops up.
Maybe I am wrong, but the game was tried on 8 different devices from around the world. One was the latest Samsung Galaxy that they show as a Gaming Phone. Exact same issue on all devices that are Android.
Yesterday, I added a Scaling event to my game to scale the explosion x / y to x / y +1 until the object was Destroyed. Which worked flawlessly on my laptop but froze up for about 15 seconds each time on Android.
The weird part was, it would not freeze until you touched the screen.
I have the Multitouch object in the game and for whatever reason, during the scaling event. If you touched the screen. The multitouch stopped doing it's job and the app would freeze. However, again. On my laptop with Touch Screen, no issues at all. Not even a small bit of lag.
Laptop touching numerous times during the scaling event = No Issues! Android Device ( Regardless of model or power of device ) one touch = App freezes and the " This app is not responding - Close - Wait " Dialog pops up.
Maybe I am wrong, but the game was tried on 8 different devices from around the world. One was the latest Samsung Galaxy that they show as a Gaming Phone. Exact same issue on all devices that are Android.
can you please check if this happens with the same scenario but keeping the scale to 1
Theres an issue, you can order the elements on the Workspace Toolbar in whatever order you set dragging them up and down. But when it comes to folders, you are locked to see them on alphabetical order and cannot be rearrangued. Thats a real problem having into consideration you cannot create folders inside folders. Please check it.Please login to see this attachment.
This is one of the features introduced in version 294. It's called "Create object at..."
Please login to see this picture.
Well, today I tried using this feature over making an Active object randomly be placed within the screen as a spot for new objects to be randomly added and...
Android Crashed Hard! Instantly Crashed, Do not pass go!
So, I swapped this feature for my old way of doing it ( Described above ) and Walla. No Issues!
I would have to say this is a bug if ANDROID only crashes using this CREATE OBJECT AT... Feature and not using CREATE OBJECT at an actual in game object.
I also noticed, that unlike the way I have done this for years. If you delete the object you want to CREATE OBJECT AT... the object actually deletes. Not like when you do as I described by linking to another Placer Object. You can Delete it off the game area and it will be created with no CRASHES or Deletions.
I'll report this here as well to bring attention to it:
An active objects physics collision mask can rotate while the object graphics remains fixed, so the connection between the sprite graphics and physics collision is broken.
I've illustrated this best I can in this image, I can't se how this is not a bug? At the very least the angle of the graphics and its collision shape should be aligned?
I'll report this here as well to bring attention to it:
An active objects physics collision mask can rotate while the object graphics remains fixed, so the connection between the sprite graphics and physics collision is broken.
I've illustrated this best I can in this image, I can't se how this is not a bug? At the very least the angle of the graphics and its collision shape should be aligned?
Please login to see this attachment.
Very true. I have noticed this myself. Another one that bothers me is using the Ground Physics and it is linked to Backdrop. So, if you have a Backdrop behind the Ground Physics. That will also effect your player. I.E. Player collides with Backdrop = stop
30 seconds into this video shows my Level with a Jeep running and jumping. However, the sad part is I had to force the movement as the Backdrop also effected the vehicle. The Jeep is controlled by a counter and the Force maxed out is 10,000. Works though!
I think the Ground Physics should have its own link. I.E. Player collides with Ground Physics = Stop
Feature Request: Manually set the width and height of the String Object at runtime without relying on the resizing that occurs when changing font size (As it often breaks for me).
Small request: If it's easy to do, could you tweak the Group Events Dialog so that ctrl-backspace deletes an entire word, as is the usual convention? Currently, hitting ctrl-backspace just enters these rectangle characters:
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Another request: There are a few common objects that would benefit from their actions becoming negatable. For example:
Feature Request: Manually set the width and height of the String Object at runtime without relying on the resizing that occurs when changing font size (As it often breaks for me).
Guys, can you confirm this possible bug. The physics movements are supposed to be frame independent? However, when you check vsync the physics ball movement slows down dramatically whenever you set the default fps higher than the monitors refresh rate. In this example you can set the default fps to 60, 140, 240, 1000 and all is fine. The physics ball movement seems frame rate independent. If your default fps is higher than your monitors refresh rate (mine is 144) then check vsync the ball movement will slow down dramatically. You can set the default fps to 500, 600, 1000... then check vsync and that's when it slows down? Something about checking vsync that seems to bugout the physics ball movement....
Feature Request: Manually set the width and height of the String Object at runtime without relying on the resizing that occurs when changing font size (As it often breaks for me).
That would be extremely helpful, I know I can use active system box, but I also need to use effects such as changing the alpha blending coefficient. (Which ASBs don't support unfortunately)
Guys, can you confirm this possible bug. The physics movements are supposed to be frame independent? However, when you check vsync the physics ball movement slows down dramatically whenever you set the default fps higher than the monitors refresh rate. In this example you can set the default fps to 60, 140, 240, 1000 and all is fine. The physics ball movement seems frame rate independent. If your default fps is higher than your monitors refresh rate (mine is 144) then check vsync the ball movement will slow down dramatically. You can set the default fps to 500, 600, 1000... then check vsync and that's when it slows down? Something about checking vsync that seems to bugout the physics ball movement....
I believe v-sync always forces the framerate to a locked 60 frames per second, maybe this is whats causing the issue?
I believe v-sync always forces the framerate to a locked 60 frames per second, maybe this is whats causing the issue?
There's something wrong though. It if you check vsync it should lock at whatever the monitors refresh rate is. I hope Yves takes a look at it. Hopefully it can be fixed.
I thought of a nice idea that would be pretty useful to have. Adding a duration parameter to the Flash Object action Please login to see this attachment. Would save you a bit of time from having to create a duration counter/timer yourself.
Built-in inline Comments (Similar to how Advanced Comment Object can add comments to actions)
I'm personally fine with using the Advanced Comment Object, but I would love to be able to activate/deactivate actions (and conditions). It would make coding so much easier. When I'm trying to build something or isolate a bug, I always end up having to duplicate whole events so I can test variations of them (eg. with this or that action/condition removed or modified). Pretty soon there are activated/deactivated variants of events all over the place, and it's easy to get lost in it. It would be so much simpler if we could just turn off individual actions or conditions at will.
I'm personally fine with using the Advanced Comment Object, but I would love to be able to activate/deactivate actions (and conditions). It would make coding so much easier. When I'm trying to build something or isolate a bug, I always end up having to duplicate whole events so I can test variations of them (eg. with this or that action/condition removed or modified). Pretty soon there are activated/deactivated variants of events all over the place, and it's easy to get lost in it. It would be so much simpler if we could just turn off individual actions or conditions at will.
Since 2.5+ release I begin to split event to several small always child events.
Pros: - No more need to care about fastloop & foreach's execute order & selection break. - Better readability, one child event only focuses on one thing. - Better debug experience, can disable debugger output or do A/B test easily - Use groups for better organization
Cons: - Possible performance lose as there are more events to execute and selection need to be restored (not noticeable for me) - Possible child event bug (got unexpected results one or two during those years but cannot isolate then reduplicate them, like Please login to see this link.) - Not friendly for immediate event call, especially when events are deeply nested. - Fusion doesn't have a good view for child events, the indent way is the same comparing to groups. Sometimes you may mess the hierarchy up and let something executed in unexpected event level
I'm personally fine with using the Advanced Comment Object, but I would love to be able to activate/deactivate actions (and conditions). It would make coding so much easier. ...
Yeah if working on a long term project using extensions is fine. I tend to make a alot of different projects so the more basic programming built in to fusion the better. I also made a wip extension with the same comment functionality as ACO and a lot of other functions fusion is lacking compared to other engines.
Yeah duplicating and deactivating events is pretty much my process also, yeah conditions also would be good. I think one of the things fusion does pretty well is having more white space in the list editor than similar game engines.
SO here is something that is bothering me about Fusion Lately.
If you have a 10,000 x 2,500 Graphic.
Fusion just says," NO " and doesn't even show the graphic on the computer the app is being created on. If it does decide to even try. The app will take a year and a day to load, then lag non stop.
However, if you cut that big graphic up into 8 pieces. NO PROBLEMS! Fusion loads it with ease and it even runs flawless on Android Devices.
Example of what I am saying on the level THE MOTHERSHIP of this app I am working on... LINK: Please login to see this link.
I have the TEST LEVEL RUNNING the Player at full speed (250) with no lag.
What I am wondering is if there is a way to make big Objects auto cut?
I.E. User tries to import a 10,000 x 10,000 active and Fusion cuts it up into 8 pieces automatically so it can work with fusion. Active would become Active 1 Active 2 Active 3 Active 4 Active 5 Active 6 Active 7 Active 8
Then have like a tic box that allows you to lock the Actives 1- 8 together as one Object! Kind of like a qualifier but, auto for those objects as they where supposed to be one.
Obviously the formula would be whatever max size Fusion can handle prior to it just saying," You must be out of your mind thinking I am going to run that massive Graphic!" X) Then cut that size into sizes that Fusion will allow with ease.
Now that would be an awesome feature, instead of the user having to try and figure out the max size Fusion can handle. Simply because the laptop I am running Fusion on can handle the Unreal 5 engine. So we know it can handle that graphic with ease. Somewhere along the line, Fusion has a Size Limit that has nothing to do with the power of the Computer Running it.
At least, please have some sort of info about this in fusion. I.E. User tries to import a 10,000 x 10,000 graphic to an Active and Fusion shows a popup Dialog saying," MAX SIZE OF A SINGLE ACTIVE MUST BE BELOW ###X###!"