Some change in build 294 since 293 broke the copy command in File Object on Mac.
Issue reported here:
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Thanks to tobydavis that helped me out to confirm this bug.
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Open a TicketSome change in build 294 since 293 broke the copy command in File Object on Mac.
Issue reported here:
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Thanks to tobydavis that helped me out to confirm this bug.
Your idea is the best!
I downloaded older version from steam console (find need depot with steamdb). Its make me happy.
Please login to see this attachment.But now i forced to use offline mode steam. It's so sad...
I hope that in new version will be switch UI between oldest and new views.
I think you should be able to make it work with online steam. Try this:
Make a copy of the Fusion exe. Then turn on online steam and let it update Fusion. When it's finished, overwrite the Fusion exe with the one you copied before. Steam will still think you have the latest version, but you'll have 293.
It's a pity 294 is broken for you though, because there are a lot of really good new features in 294.
BUG: If you attempt to scope List Object Instances (For example comparing Strings) when no instance is created, it will crash the application. Additionally, one of my Windows 11 users would crash when attempting to scope through the lists even after creation (We presume that the cause was his Anti-Virus, as my application attempts to create a list object/instance for all Language txt files in the applications' folder.)
*I also had the List Objects use a Qualifier. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.
This is what the Debug Object outputted on crash:
Not sure if this has been suggested before but I just had an idea pop into my head. 'Variable descriptions' when you click on them in the properties panel:
Please login to see this attachment.Would be a nice way to help you remember what does what.
i just use a comment which i note stuff like this (if i need to)
Would it be possible for a feature to be added in the Frame Editor when a graphic file is imported (via drag and drop), that it has an option to also import the file name for the object? Maybe an additional option to ignore anything after the period so the extension isn't included in the new object name?
The Mac exporter in XCode Project mode doesn't work for extensions with spaces in their filenames.
Works fine for Mac Application.
It's a simple fix: in the pbxproj, surround the filename in double-quotes.
/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
/* broken */
EC37308CD480B21176A44F91 /* SDL Object.bundle */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.plug-in"; name = SDL Object.bundle; path = Resources/SDL Object.bundle; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
/* OK */
EC37308CD480B21176A44F91 /* SDL Object.bundle */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "wrapper.plug-in"; name = "SDL Object.bundle"; path = "Resources/SDL Object.bundle"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
0465DE021C2989F3003887BF /* default.fsh */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.glsl; name = default.fsh; path = Resources/Shaders/default.fsh; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
This may affect more than just exts, but I've not checked.
This is an old Android issue - but please see if it can be fixed:
When you build an .apk and replace an existing one, the existing .apk is wiped (not sent to the recycle bin) as a first step.
If the new .apk build fails, you've also lost your existing .apk.
(Perhaps move the existing .apk to a temp file and if the build fails, restore it)
Performance Issue: A zoomed out Frame Editor can cause significant performance degradation to the Event List Editor of another window. The new smaller zoom levels exacerbate this.
Fusion has been getting very laggy for me recently with basic things like opening dialogs or dragging items around. For example, double-clicking a "set flag" action or opening "Find All" regularly takes ~3 seconds to open the appropriate dialog. Editing "Load Frame" actions (which contain 9 dialogs in a row) has become really tedious. I assumed this slowdown was caused by some other issue in my OS, but I've realised now that it's caused by Fusion's Frame Editor, even when I'm not using it.
I usually run Fusion with the Event List Editor open on my main screen, and the Frame Editor (open to a different frame) in another window, on a secondary screen. Tabbed Interface mode is off.
It turns out that if this Frame Editor window contains a lot of content and is zoomed out, then it degrades the performance of the Event List Editor on the main screen. Even after I leave the Frame Editor and it sits there unused on my side monitor, most operations on the Event List Editor are sluggish (as mentioned, opening a simple dialog takes a few seconds).
If I zoom in to 400% on the Frame Editor then return to the Event List Editor, then the sluggishness vanishes: opening dialogs or dragging stuff around suddenly becomes near-instant. If I zoom back out, then the sluggishness returns.
So at least I now have a workaround to this problem (ie. I must remember to always zoom in or switch to Event List Editor in my secondary window before I switch my attention to the primary window). But I wonder if this is something that could be optimised? I get that a zoomed-out Frame Editor has a large workload to display all its contents, but it doesn't seem right that it should cause such a drain on Fusion when it's not the active window...
Hi guys,
I think I found another bug - would appreciate your feedback:
I'm trying to make an adventure game engine and found the Inventory object extension very neat. However, although everything works fine, when I press F2 or the icon shortcut in the debugger to restart the current launched game, the Inventory object seems to rememeber the object(s) it previously had in it; if I want to reset my game to re-test it I have to terminte the current launched game and to re-launch it from the editor.
Is this a bug or something that I'm doing wrong?
Kindly let me know.
Attached a short video describing the problem.
Please login to see this attachment.
Combining shift + move for conditions related to child events can cause an event corruption, attempting to run or build your application will
crash Fusion, if mfa saved it will remain like this, it can be fixed if inside a group by deleting the group, if outside, adding some events under
it and selecting all to delete.
Here is a video of how to reproduce:
Please login to see this media element.
DO you happen to know if there will be any more updates to Build 294? Thank you.
DO you happen to know if there will be any more updates to Build 294? Thank you.
Simon said that we will have 295 "this week" in discord about one month ago.
Feature Request: Grouping objects in Frame Editor
I don't know if it's too complicated to do, but would it be possible to add grouping functionality to the Frame Editor? The way I imagine it working is:
-You select several objects in the Frame Editor
-You press a hotkey or menu item to "group" them
-From now onwards, whenever you select any one of those objects, it will select all of them, allowing you to move them as a group.
-Multiple groups can exist, but no object may belong to more than 1 group. There is no hierarchy or nesting of groups.
-You can add/remove objects to the current group by shift-clicking to select more objects or to deselect certain objects, and choosing "group" again, which will re-form the current group with the currently selected objects.
The right-click context menu would contain a new submenu called "Group>" with 4 new entries:
1- "Group objects" - Forms a group from the currently selected objects. This should also be available from the Arrange menu and via hotkey.
2- "Remove from group" - removes the currently selected object from its group, while leaving the rest of the group intact
3- "Disband group" - cancels the currently selected group and deselects all but the currently selected object
4- "Select single object" - Deselects all but the currently selected object but does not cancel the group (this would allow you to edit properties of an individual object even when it's in a group). While an object is selected in this way, it won't be apparent what its groupmates are, so options #1 and #3 should be disabled to avoid confusion (to access those options again the user must deselect then reselect the object normally, which would once again select the entire group)
Perhaps Ctrl-clicking on an object could bypass the group (replicating the functionality of #4)
Would it be possible to add the ability to set an active object to ignore mouse/tap interaction so if it's over another active object you'll select/move/whatever the object beneath it? [EDIT: Essentially, to make it an 'inactive object.']
And preferably the ability to do this at runtime as an action. There are times when I have Active Object A that uses drag and drop, and needs to slide under Active Object B. But if it's completely obstructed by Active Object B you can no longer drag it. There are work-arounds, of course, but they add complexity and make re-use more of a pain. Being able to make an Active Object invisible to the mouse or tap would be great.
If in the "event editor" of any active object an image is loaded via "Animation->Load Frame" into a frame that is not in the active object itself, it will create it. This will be useful for games that use a skinned system.
At the moment, in order, for example, to load an image into frame 2 and everything works, it is necessary that this frame already exists in the most active object. I have skins in the game where you can make your own number of animation frames, if, for example, a player wants to make 200 frames for the running animation, then I will have to create 200 animation frames or more in the object itself.
It will be useful if you make it so that when importing images to a frame that is not in the active object, it will be created and the image would work.
Alterable Strings can be created and used in active objects, but their problem is that the text in them cannot be transferred to other lines, that is, all the text is in only one line.
It would be helpful if Alterable Strings had multiline.
Dergot if you're the one that will make the skins, you can use Export animation file in the animation editor then load that file through Load animations.
As for multiple lines on Alt Strings, you can do that by setting the Alt String through event editor, you can either have the multiline text directly or use Newline$
If in the "event editor" of any active object an image is loaded via "Animation->Load Frame" into a frame that is not in the active object itself, it will create it. This will be useful for games that use a skinned system.
At the moment, in order, for example, to load an image into frame 2 and everything works, it is necessary that this frame already exists in the most active object. I have skins in the game where you can make your own number of animation frames, if, for example, a player wants to make 200 frames for the running animation, then I will have to create 200 animation frames or more in the object itself.
It will be useful if you make it so that when importing images to a frame that is not in the active object, it will be created and the image would work.
This issue causes a lot of busywork for me, as I'm often needing to go in and micromanage objects to ensure they have the exact correct number of placeholder frames. I think I remember Yves saying that this change isn't feasible though (though since it's possible with .ANM files, hopefully it would be possible with PNGs too). But if there was at least a way to delete frames at runtime, or to specify at runtime the startpoint/endpoint at which frames loop, then that would go some way to improving things, because then we could just make 500 placeholders once, then cull whatever's not needed at runtime.
to delete frames at runtime
This is doable with an ext, yeah. I wrote a proof of concept that could expand animations at runtime, but it relies on it not using more memory. (Memory is allocated with a bit of margin, like rounded up to nearest 1KB, so you can expand things without moving its address, but not a lot)
It should be doable to remove images.
This is doable with an ext, yeah. I wrote a proof of concept that could expand animations at runtime, but it relies on it not using more memory. (Memory is allocated with a bit of margin, like rounded up to nearest 1KB, so you can expand things without moving its address, but not a lot)
It should be doable to remove images.
Would it be possible to remove any number of images, or only an amount that wouldn't disturb the memory margin?
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