for nostalgic reasons, I'm looking for a license for TGF 1. Does anyone here want to sell their license or can I still somehow buy it directly from Clickteam?
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for nostalgic reasons, I'm looking for a license for TGF 1. Does anyone here want to sell their license or can I still somehow buy it directly from Clickteam?
for nostalgic reasons, I'm looking for a license for TGF 1. Does anyone here want to sell their license or can I still somehow buy it directly from Clickteam?
I will look in my garage after work and see if I have the old CDROM
I will look in my garage after work and see if I have the old CDROM
Apologies for the late follow up, but I couldn't find the disc anywhere! I hope you find a copy somewhere
Thanks for looking!
I wanted to make a new 16 Bit Windows game, just because nobody else does
I'll give Klik & Play a try, I don't need scrolling and variables are also limited to A, B, C in TGF 1.
Can CT confirm they are OK with this? I didn't think the terms of the license allowed it to be transferred.
for nostalgic reasons, I'm looking for a license for TGF 1. Does anyone here want to sell their license or can I still somehow buy it directly from Clickteam?
I think it's allowed under European law to sell any software licence but yes, it would be kind to ask Clickteam.
In the US yo can't sell licences i think but you can get everything legal (is it?) on archive.org when it is abandoned. I'm NOT a lawyer for sure.
I'm using Klik&Play now, I have two physical copies with licence cards.
I think it's allowed under European law to sell any software licence but yes, it would be kind to ask Clickteam.
In the US yo can't sell licences i think but you can get everything legal (is it?) on archive.org when it is abandoned. I'm NOT a lawyer for sure.
I'm using Klik&Play now, I have two physical copies with licence cards.
Based on the responses from Clickteam staff in the threads linked below, it would appear that you can indeed sell and purchase used copies of Clickteam software. While these discussions pertain to MMF2, I would imagine that TGF1 licenses can be treated in a similar manner.
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for nostalgic reasons, I'm looking for a license for TGF 1. Does anyone here want to sell their license or can I still somehow buy it directly from Clickteam?
Being a retro computer games and software collector I highly recommend you to check eBay; in the last couple of years I managed to complete from there the entire Clickteam line of physical product (apart from MMF1 which I actually saw but unfortunately the seller didn't ship to my location). Some of the items were even sealed(!) like MMF2 Standard, MMF2 Developer and even Click & Create big box which I didn't thought about ever finding.
A tip I can give you to increase your changes to finding what you're looking for:
Login to your eBay account and search for the keywords of the products you're after, making sure to use quotes to get exact results and not something that answers only to a portion of the keywords. For example, for TGF1 search for: "The Games Factory" (note the quotes). Then make sure to hit the "Save this search" link to save your search, so you'll get notifications at the moment someone lists an item that answers to the specific search you made. just make sure that email notifications are enabled in your account settings. If you want to make sure that you don't miss anything as emails may arrive in delay, the eBay mobile App from my experience sends notifications regardless the account settings, so it's another layer to make you cover to get notifications on time.
By the way, it seems that there's an active listing now for TGF1 & TGF2 together. Here's a link: Please login to see this link.
I'm not related to the seller in any way and only provide this info to you out of good will to help.
Thanks for your reply! I like collecting video games, too but I will not buy sealed or even graded games, I want at least theoretical play them. The auction on ebay is $180 for an used product WITHOUT a licence - this is insane! The whole retro video games market became very sick the last years, driven by WATA and VGA spreading the stupid idea, video games would be a good investment for speculations.
I don't know if the CD version of TGF doesn't need a key and works with the physical disk as a proof of licence. I really like my big boxes of Quake, Day of Tentacle, Klik&Play and even MS-DOS and Norton Commander but this copy of TGF doesn't look very collectable for me. So what I'm searching for is a licence for about 30 Euro or Dollar with or without a CD.
Thanks for your reply! I like collecting video games, too but I will not buy sealed or even graded games, I want at least theoretical play them. The auction on ebay is $180 for an used product WITHOUT a licence - this is insane! The whole retro video games market became very sick the last years, driven by WATA and VGA spreading the stupid idea, video games would be a good investment for speculations.
I don't know if the CD version of TGF doesn't need a key and works with the physical disk as a proof of licence. I really like my big boxes of Quake, Day of Tentacle, Klik&Play and even MS-DOS and Norton Commander but this copy of TGF doesn't look very collectable for me. So what I'm searching for is a licence for about 30 Euro or Dollar with or without a CD.
Yeah, my opinion is the same as yours regarding of how this retro game market turned crazy and unreasonable in the past couple of years. The copies of the Clickteam products that I found were in more decent prices if I remember correctly, and while I did spend a lot of money on retro big box games, software (Norton Commander too XD) and old PC hardware that I really wanted to have, I knew when to put a stop to this madness and to be happy with what I already got; the urge I had to have all Clickteam products (even after they were discontinued) was because I appreciate Clickteam as a company and the hard work that its crew is doing very much, and also because Klik & Play to start with was the product that pushed me in both making 2D games and getting better and better in pixel-art. So buying all their line of products (even the digital ones) is the least I could do to show them my gratitude, although some of this money was not paid directly to them but to sellers on eBay). Anyway, making games for me even after all my years of experience drawing pixel-art and working on the engine remained as a hobby and never anything commercial, but frankly it made me who I am today.
To the point - the XPLOSIV edition of TGF1 is a budget release. Keep in mind that the seller may have not taken a picture of the license code so occasional eBay viewers won't use it. You can always ask the seller (any seller) if they're the original owners and if the code is included.
True, this XPLOSIV edition is not very collectable, but it was the first TGF1 that I found back on 2019 and bought it because I thought that this was the only physical edition of the software in this DVD package style. Only that six months after on an occasional eBay search I happened to find an ENOURMOUS big box edition of TGF1 and bought it too. This is more of a collectable item than this XPLOSIV one, but if you only need a license for creating this 16-bit retro game then it doesn't really matter which box it comes in. In fact, there was an edition that came in a Gamemaker magazine which I also found, but its setup is only 32-bit. All the other editions I found have both 16-bit and 32-bit setup files, so you could even install them on Windows 3.1. Not sure though if 32-bit applications you create in the 32-bit TGF1 could run on 16-bit Windows 3.1 systems if that's your goal.
Best of luck!
We should start a off topic video game and hardware collection thread I mostly buy games I loved as a kid and lost the big box or couldn't afford the game at that time.
You can download both versions directly from clickteam.com:
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Just like for the newer products you need a pro licence to sell games or remove the splash screen.
We should start a off topic video game and hardware collection thread
I mostly buy games I loved as a kid and lost the big box or couldn't afford the game at that time.
You can download both versions directly from clickteam.com:
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Please login to see this link.Just like for the newer products you need a pro licence to sell games or remove the splash screen.
Same here - we compensate ourselves now with things we liked but couldn't afford back then.
And thanks for the links. I'm aware of them and made an offline copy years ago. Though I'm not sure if the physical copies codes will work in these digital downloads - never tried.
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