Hi everyone,
I didn't find info about this in the forum. In case it was discussed please kindly direct me to the appropriate thread.
I'm aware that working with text and fonts is not very intuitive in Clickteam Fusion, and that this is the main reason of why developers tend to use custom text blitter method to present dialogues and such in their applications, as it has much wider range of appearance and possibilities.
I'm trying to design a way to present text to the player, either in regular string object using simple fonts and also with text blitter method, but I wish the text to be presented inside a dynamic box with decorative frame (like 'point & click' adventure games tend to) and that the box size will change in width and height according to the amount of text shown, while the surrounding decorative graphic parts will instantly stick to the text boundaries; so basically only the middle part of the frame box should be scaled up and down.
I made this simple setup of 9 objects which build up the decorative frame for the text, if placed one next to each other (4 corner objects and 1 for top, down, left, right and middle). I managed to scale the middle object using the Set X Scale and Set Y Scale, but I'm still trying to figuring out how to create a text object (or blittered block of text) at the center of this middle object, which will then be scaled to the boundaries of the block of text presented to the player.
Attached a MFA file of a simple decorative text frame box. You can scale it up and down vertically using the scroll wheel and horizontally holding right-click when scrolling. The string object in it is just informative for how to resize the decorative frame box; I did not create the actual object(s) to showing the dynamic text as I'm open for suggestions.
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What would be the right way to achieving this?