Help with vertex shaders?

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  • So I started experimenting with vertex shaders today, and I tried to make a simple shader that scales an object. But I just realized that I don't know what the name of the model-view-projection matrix is, or if Fusion even passes it to shaders.

    There's no documentation on this, and there are almost no vertex shaders for Fusion I can use as examples (and the ones that did exist are in dead dropbox links). Please login to see this link., Yves was going to add the MVP matrix in the next version; did that actually happen? I haven't found any posts mentioning this ever again. Without this matrix it's pretty much impossible to make vertex shaders. I know I could calculate it myself, but it's pretty annoying to do and it would waste instructions in the shader so I'd prefer using the MVP matrix that Fusion passes to the shader (if it exists).

    Edited once, last by Rhadamus (February 16, 2023 at 3:44 AM).

  • Have you checked this example?
    Please login to see this link.

    That example creates the matrix in the shader, which is what I was hoping I didn't have to do, but oh well, guess I don't have a choice.

    I really hope Yves considers adding better vertex shader support on Windows, particularly for DX11. It's kinda weird how mobile and Mac got full vertex shader support before Windows.

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