ANDROID Camera In app Object Willing to pay!

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  • I am looking for someone to make an in app Camera Object for Android. Gigatron was working on it, but there was many errors and issues with Verizon Samsung Devices as well as the object Crashing Fusion itself.
    He tried and believe me. He got close, but the object was never finished.

    Anyway, I am looking for an Extension that allows for a Layer to be added to Fusion in the form of the Camera. The layer itself must be able to be put behind Actives.

    I.E. Camera 0 - Cameras Available on Device.

    The object would need to have Filters and Face Tracking abilities.

    All abilities would need to be linked to the Fusion Editor.

    I.E. Start of Frame = Start Camera ? ( ? = 0 - Cameras Available on Device )
    End of Frame = Stop Camera

    Counter equals 0 = No Filter
    Counter Equals ? ( ? = However many filters available ) = Filter Number

    Face tracking would need to be linked to actives with points like Hot spots or Action points.

    I.E. Left eye = Active 1
    Right eye = Active 2
    Nose = Active 3
    Mouth = Active 4

    Other features that would be amazing would be to control the amount of Brightness and Contrast of the Live Camera feed.

    Now before I hear this is not possible again. Here is the Impossible already started and somewhat working:
    Please login to see this link.

    Here is where I originally started using no extensions, however Google finally closed that loop hole up:
    Please login to see this link.

    Here is the Thread of the Development of the ACAMERAFX and issues it had and has still:
    Please login to see this link.

    Hopefully the above gives you a ballpark of what is involved.

    Thanks in advance...

    Edited 3 times, last by VBEinc (April 18, 2023 at 9:40 PM).

  • First is how I managed to get the display of the Android Camera to show up in android.

    Please login to see this media element.

    This one is the AcameraFX extension, working fairly amazing, but crashing when returning to the frame the extension is on:
    Please login to see this media element.

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