Build 295.10 - Release Version

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • (issue found and reported by a user in the Steam forum - 25/07/2023)
    Small bug - could you check if this is a problem in the current Beta Build?:
    In the Frame Editor's CTRL + J window, the vertical movement of the list does not trigger, when you directly drag the larger handle.

    If this wasn't fixed yet, could you possibly fix this directly in one of the next Beta releases of Build 295 version? Thanks in advance.

    Currently working on ... [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] ... a Puzzle Platformer

    Edited 6 times, last by Wodjanoi (July 25, 2023 at 10:33 AM).

  • Probably almost impossible to implement in current Fusion, so maybe in F3: running events in different threads, pherhaps it can be a special function (probably F3 would have functions right?) that can run on a different thread.
    Honestly this would be such an amazing feature and a great way to make use of hardware resources, nowdays it's considered a standard, one simple use case out of many: loading heavy stuff while still having the main application running and rendering just fine.

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
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  • An action that changes the X, Y and layer positions of an object all at once via expressions, similar to the somewhat recent create object at action
    Maybe another for scale as well.

    on other notes...
    a way to generally select any object, in another words, something like a forced qualifier on all objects, at least the common ones like actives and strings.

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
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  • Would be useful if there is an expression that retrieves the current applied effect name, and an action that sets the effect by name
    Also sorry if I have been suggesting a lot of stuff recently, just taking the opportunity to do so XD

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
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  • Hello,

    I'm not sure if this is a new bug or not, but if you create an active object, it is only one instance of it in the frame editor.
    Now if you go to the event editor and create a "create object" action for that active object, there are now two instances of it, one visible and one invisible.

    You can right click and select "Select all instances of this object" and there will be two, the original visible one, and one invisible one. You can see the outline of it if you move the visible one while both are selected. But you can never select it or delete it. Even after you delete the event where you create the object, the invisible instance will always be there.

    Edited once, last by Decal (July 27, 2023 at 2:11 AM).

  • Hello,

    I'm not sure if this is a new bug or not, but if you create an active object, it is only one instance of it in the frame editor.
    Now if you go to the event editor and create a "create object" action for that active object, there are now two instances of it, one visible and one invisible.

    You can right click and select "Select all instances of this object" and there will be two, the original visible one, and one invisible one. You can see the outline of it if you move the visible one while both are selected. But you can never select it or delete it. Even after you delete the event where you create the object, the invisible instance will always be there.

    That's not new, and I think it's a feature, not a bug, though I can't remember the exact purpose of it. But after you delete the create event, then when you save, close and reload the MFA, I believe the MFA will have automatically 'cleaned' itself of the object, and you'll no longer see the invisible version.

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  • Hello, since there is a popup when the app crashes, why not add a new "On Crash" condition?

    This would be convenient for cases when we could do something in the already assembled application when the application crashed. For example: When an application crashes, I can create a .txt file in which I will indicate the version of the application, the frame and the line number in which the crash occurred, so that the user can send this file to the developer.

    It would also be useful for such cases to add "Crash line number" to the expression editor so that we can get the line number when the application crashes.

  • So I just tested one of the games, it had some .arr and .txt files embeded as binary, built on Android and now nothing is loaded in, it was working fine on 294.14.
    EDIT: it doesn't do it with all files, for example, in one frame it seems to load some .arr files fine, but on all other frames, nothing

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
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    Edited 2 times, last by Linky (July 28, 2023 at 9:57 PM).

  • So I just tested one of the games, it had some .arr and .txt files embeded as binary, built on Android and now nothing is loaded in, it was working fine on 294.14.
    EDIT: it doesn't do it with all files, for example, in one frame it seems to load some .arr files fine, but on all other frames, nothing

    can you explain more the filepath you use there. I just tested and with name and worked perfect

    * Restart_Data clicked
    List : Reset
    Array : Load array from file "ArrayUnicode_Data"
    Special : Start loop "load list from an array" DimX( "Array" ) times

    please add an example


    forgot that i use your example for this LOL

    modified test to use .arr extension

    * Restart_Data clicked
    List : Reset
    Array : Load array from file "ArrayUnicode_Data.arr"
    Special : Start loop "load list from an array" DimX( "Array" ) times

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    and no extension and in both case work

  • Yea thing is, it loads some, but some others not, I manually deleted and added the files back to data elements, but same exact problem, tested a very early version of the game that had it workin perfectly, same thing
    I will try to see if I can reproduce in a separate mfa, but something is definitely off there, it's all working fine in 294.14...
    Using this for scene loading system basically..

    Another thing, saving arrays doesn't seem to do anything, it loads, but nothing seems to save, at least on the game I have...

    EDIT: In terms of what loads and what doesn't:
    Example of what loads fine:
    Please login to see this picture.

    Example of what doesn't doesn't load:
    Please login to see this picture.

    Of course a lot others don't work (and maybe some other that do work like a settings one I have) but the majortiy doesn't

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
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    Edited 2 times, last by Linky (July 28, 2023 at 11:20 PM).

  • Yea thing is, it loads some, but some others not, I manually deleted and added the files back to data elements, but same exact problem, tested a very early version of the game that had it workin perfectly, same thing
    I will try to see if I can reproduce in a separate mfa, but something is definitely off there, it's all working fine in 294.14...
    Using this for scene loading system basically..

    Another thing, saving arrays doesn't seem to do anything, it loads, but nothing seems to save, at least on the game I have...

    EDIT: In terms of what loads and what doesn't:
    Example of what loads fine:
    Please login to see this picture.

    Example of what doesn't doesn't load:
    Please login to see this picture.

    Of course a lot others don't work (and maybe some other that do work like a settings one I have) but the majortiy doesn't

    You need to share please an example that doesn't work, how you call the file, for me to check


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • You need to share please an example that doesn't work, how you call the file, for me to check

    Sure thing, I will try to make an example soon
    Btw, same game tested, on iOS with build 295.4, it works fine, so that's good

    Just to mention:

    while([pString characterAtIndex:nString]==32) nString++;
        c=[pString characterAtIndex:nString];

    Doesn't work, still crashes and had to use this one instead:

    while ([pString characterAtIndex:nString]==32) {    nString++;
        if ([pString length] <= nString) {
            [pValue forceInt:0];

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
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  • - In the log file it tells to download the new GPG version, but there is no update available in my Clickstore (last version available is still GPGObjects_V200g).

    - iOS deprecated images are still recreated each time you open Fusion, even if you select "delete deprecated images" and save...

    - It seems that there is an issue with frame objects limit on Android, i have a frame with more than 1200 objects, i've setup the frame limit to 1500 but on Android only 1000 objects are created, breaking my app... With Build 295.3 i don't have this issue.

    Edited 4 times, last by Dobermann (July 29, 2023 at 2:15 AM).

  • Sure thing, I will try to make an example soon
    Btw, same game tested, on iOS with build 295.4, it works fine, so that's good

    Just to mention:

    while([pString characterAtIndex:nString]==32) nString++;
        c=[pString characterAtIndex:nString];

    Doesn't work, still crashes and had to use this one instead:

    while ([pString characterAtIndex:nString]==32) {    nString++;
        if ([pString length] <= nString) {
            [pValue forceInt:0];

    wonder this code is, I don't find this


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • I love the new "don't include at build time" feature. And I like how ctrl-dragging an object automatically unchecks the option in the new duplicate, making this a strictly 'opt-in' feature, as it should be. This allows you, for example, to keep a repository of all your objects outside the frame, then drag them onto the level knowing that only the ones you drag onto the frame will actually be built. Having the checkbox automatically uncheck on drag/copy prevents the user having to manually uncheck it each time, and will prevent lots of bugs caused by users accidentally using non-built objects.

    But I think the option should be renamed to "Don't include instance at build time" and/or should have a properties description that explains what it does. People won't understand it otherwise. They'll check the box on one instance of a global object, then come to the forum wondering why the object still appears in various parts of their game.

    I requested this once before, but I'm not sure if it was noticed. This would (hopefully) be a relatively small tweak to the UI, but it would be a massive quality of life improvement for me (and presumably others).

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    Would it be possible to introduce an option that allows selected layers in the Frame Editor to be invisible? Currently, clicking on the eye button of the currently selected layer doesn't do anything. I often find myself wanting to quickly toggle the current layer's visibility - either to see what's behind it, or as a way of seeing what's on the layer itself (by seeing what disappears when I hide it). But the process is needlessly convoluted for something that should be really quick and simple:

    1. You want to hide the visibility of layer (A), but you realise you can't because it's the current layer
    2. So you click on a different layer (B) so that A is deselected.
    3. You hide the visibility of A
    4. You realise that by selecting B, you've just inadvertently made it visible, because it was invisible before, but Fusion automatically shows any layer you select.
    5. You want to make B invisible again like it was supposed to be, but you can't now, because now it's selected, so now hiding it is forbidden.
    6. You start looking around for some other layer you can temporarily click on just so that you can re-hide B. You need to be careful to find one that's currently visible because you don't want to make the same mistake again.
    7. You find another layer that's not currently invisible (C) and click on it
    8. Now you can finally re-hide B.

    The above annoyance would be eliminated if Fusion would just let any layer be visible or not, independent of whether or not it's selected. This is not unorthodox behaviour: lots of programs work this way (eg. Adobe programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects). Even the Fusion event editors work this way, allowing you to deactivate events regardless of whether they're selected, or select deactivated events without forcibly activating them.

    So my request is for something like a "allow selected layers to be hidden" option in the preferences. This would have two effects:

    1. the eye button would successfully toggle the visibility of a currently selected layer
    2. selecting a new layer would no longer forcibly show that layer if it was previously hidden.

    I love the new "ignore spaces" option in Find All. It definitely makes life easier not having to type the correct amount of spaces around colons in certain cases, for example.

    Another thing that I think would significantly improve Find All is to remove some of the unnecessary fluff from the left side of the output. I dedicate 80% of one of my monitors to this window, and even then it's often not enough to actually see the most important information:

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    There could be various ways to shorten this, and I personally would vote for being as ruthless as possible. Though as a starting point, surely there's no need for the words "Frame" and "event" to each feature twice. Actually, I don't think they even need to appear at all (we already know it's a Frame because the frame's title is shown, and "Line" would suffice instead of "Event Line"). I also don't think we need to know the exact number of the actions (eg. "Action #7") since we're about to click it for Fusion to highlight the relevant action anyway.

    I would suggest something along the lines of this:

    (Frame)  Master Editor, Frame events, Event line #184, Action #4: levelEditor_: Set areaLetter_sᴛʀ to Upper$(Left$(AreaLetter_sᴛʀ( "Group.Editor: WorldType" ), 1))

    shorten to:

    Master Editor, Line #184: levelEditor: Set areaLetter_sᴛʀ to Upper$(Left$(AreaLetter_sᴛʀ( "Group.Editor: WorldType" ), 1))

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    Edited 10 times, last by Volnaiskra (July 29, 2023 at 9:17 AM).

  • - iOS deprecated images are still recreated each time you open Fusion, even if you select "delete deprecated images" and save...

    Ah I forgot this one, sorry. I think it's because the old default images are still in the data/runtime/iphone folder... Will be fixed in release version.


    - It seems that there is an issue with frame objects limit on Android, i have a frame with more than 1200 objects, i've setup the frame limit to 1500 but on Android only 1000 objects are created, breaking my app... With Build 295.3 i don't have this issue.

    Could you post or send a MFA for this one please? EDIT: I've just double-checked the changes in the build 295.4, it's just for sounds or GDPR object, so it's a bit weird...

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