Build 295.10 - Release Version

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Re-mentioning my update request.

  • Something I would really love to NOT see in Fusion is the words 'Alterable Variable'!

    The madness that happens when you don't force people to name their variables!! To this day it's and endless nightmare of combing through mystery alterable variable A, B, C,.....
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    All this madness should at least be hidden!
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    Even CT paid examples suffer from these bad practices making learning an absolute pain!! Would be awesome if only user-named variables show up! Fusion literally breaks the first rule of programing: NAME YOUR VARIABLES! Give them meaningful names.

    Edited once, last by Edel (October 3, 2024 at 2:51 AM).

  • Even CT paid examples suffer from these bad practices making learning an absolute pain!! Would be awesome if only user-named variables show up! Fusion literally breaks the first rule of programing: NAME YOUR VARIABLES! Give them meaningful names.

    You can rename them if you go into frame editor. Fusion even merges the names if they're the same for all the objects in a qualifier.
    And there's a Base Frame in app properties for getting the names from a frame in the app, for global events.

    That aside, the developer picks what to do with an alt value/string. So Fusion can't name them.
    The examples should name them, though. But it is sometimes confusing to new users who don't realise you can name them - it's like someone conjured up a new set of variables out of the air and made an alternative-universe Active.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • You can rename them if you go into frame editor. Fusion even merges the names if they're the same for all the objects in a qualifier.
    And there's a Base Frame in app properties for getting the names from a frame in the app, for global events.

    That aside, the developer picks what to do with an alt value/string. So Fusion can't name them.
    The examples should name them, though. But it is sometimes confusing to new users who don't realise you can name them - it's like someone conjured up a new set of variables out of the air and made an alternative-universe Active.

    yeah, of course you can rename them but I think it would be best for Fusion to act as if they do not exist! You have to declare them!! You should be made to name them!!

  • I have also been getting similar problems, and first thought it was my mac running out of memory as it's an M2 8GB model..
    Basically running on iOS 17.0 and earlier it would be working fine, but anything after that it crashes while trying to do OpenGL stuff (You can check the trace via Xcode debugging tools).

    It seems to only happen on the simulator weirdly enough, so probably an issue with the emulation layer dealing with OpenGL. For now stick with real device testing or simulator running iOS 17.0 (or 18.0 if you are on Xcode 16) (Even Vision OS 2.0 works fine)

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
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  • yeah, of course you can rename them but I think it would be best for Fusion to act as if they do not exist! You have to declare them!! You should be made to name them!!

    People who don't name their alterable values deserve everything they get :evil:

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  • People who don't name their alterable values deserve everything they get :evil:

    I've always felt it comes back to us as a community and especially newer users.

    Even from more mainstream examples / users I still see it! 'alterable value soup' :
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    Visually it looks confusing!

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    It's an absolute nightmare (this last one it from another MFA example)!!
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    Not to mention FLAGS 0,1,2,3....... <X

  • Oh, I was just being facetious. In reality I'm totally with you. Even though I often see unamed altVals, it still somehow surprises me every time, because I find it incomprehensible that anyone could not see how counter-productive that is. And it's appalling when people do it in paid product; it's disrespectful to your customers, who'll have to spend 5 times as long figuring out how it works. I get similarly annoyed when I see teal diamonds, instead of graphics that differentiate the objects and/or hint at their purpose.

    I agree with you in principle that Fusion should probably find a way to dissuade users from leaving altVals unnamed. The fact that we see unnamed altVals so often shows that far too many users are doing it, which is bad for everyone. Not just for the people trying to understand examples or clickstore items, but also for beginners who do it themselves, as they'll inevitably make more mistakes or logical errors as they get more confused by their own code down the line.

    I also agree that all these unnamed altVals everywhere can clog up the interface (If you've named only 2 altVals, then you probably don't use Alterable Values C-Z, so why should Fusion show them to you everywhere? )

    But I don't think there's much that Fusion can do about this, as sometimes these unnamed altVals still need to be accessible. Even I, who am allergic to haphazardly disorganised code, sometimes use unnamed altVals.

    For example, I use Alterable Value ID to store "IDs" that marry objects together. It's perfect, because as well as already saying "ID", it's so far down the list that it'll [almost] never conflict with any objects' named altVals, so can safely be used for everything. (It's also so far down the list that having to name it manually each time would be a nightmare). Others use Alterable Value X and Alterable Value Y similarly. I also use Alterable Value IN to transfer objects' Instance Values from my level editor to my engine. If I set an Instance value in an object in my Level Editor frame, I then copy this value to Alterable Value IN when I re-create the object in my Engine frame, since writing to the Instance Value itself is impossible at runtime. Again, using an unnamed value that's way down the list is ideal for this, as it means I can use the same process for any object at all, without fear of altVal conflicts.

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  • I am familiar with the binary format (MMF2GLOBALVALUES, MMF2GLOBALSTRINGS, etc) in which Fusion manages variables and string data, but since variable names are merely keys tied to specific indexes, if you don't want to be nameless, you will have no choice but to set them to hard-coded, absolutely unchangeable names on the editor side.

    What is defined as the default name is actually empty, but becomes an "Alterable Value" or "Alterable String". It may be that you want to define variables and strings as "int *" and "string *" as in actual programming, but even in that case, there are plenty of coders who give names that make no sense, and I can assure you that this is a user problem, not a feature problem. Editors cannot control what people do.

    However, I agree with adding a feature to make it easier to name them. I have created my own application to build clipboard binaries with binary object, and it would be useful to have that in the editor from the get-go.

    The data needed is the type of data (0,1,4,6,8=Global Value, Value, Global String, String, Flag), index, key, and value to store. It is useful to be able to construct variables and string data by simply pasting.

  • It could be usefull to get alterable values/strings/flags 's name into expression editor.

    For example, I want to store alterables strings into a file with key/value:

    On loop "save_values"
    + write line $alterableStrName(loopIndex("save_values")) + "="+ alterableStrValue(loopIndex("save_values"))

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