I hope one day we don't have to use xPos/yPos vars to store intermediate positions in Fusion. It will be the greatest day ever!
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Every time having to do this... What an eye soar!
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Open a TicketI hope one day we don't have to use xPos/yPos vars to store intermediate positions in Fusion. It will be the greatest day ever!
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Every time having to do this... What an eye soar!
HI, any news?
I second this, any news anyone?
I support this too, any news?
I guess we're getting another full year without a new build
Sadly, that sounds about right. Also, I think we will not see F3 until the middle of 2026, if ever. Will we ever see that, before 2030? Or 2040? Who the heck knows.....
Hopefully, this answer won’t turn out to be true.
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I agree! I will be in my middle 90s if I live that long!
I believe that F3 will be released at the same time as “The Elder Scrolls 6”.
I could not agree more!
I believe that F3 will be released at the same time as “The Elder Scrolls 6”.
I don't think so because that'd mean that F3 would release in 3 years, which I simply do not see happening at all considering how little we know
I don't think so because that'd mean that F3 would release in 3 years, which I simply do not see happening at all considering how little we know
If I recall correctly, some users close to Clickteam commented on the discord channel that Clickteam had problems in the development of F3 and they had to start over with the development of F3.
It is likely that now history will repeat itself, that they will have difficult problems to solve that will make F3 never appear.
ALL OVER AGAIN!? How and why!? There are now SO MANY video game creation engines! There are some that even enable screen zoom and rotation in Windows! If you go to steam, you will find some great game engines that were made by ONE person! So HOW on EARTH, could Clickteam be having SUCH trouble getting F3 out!? They got Fusion 2 out. They got Fusion 2.5 out. They are even using F3 technology for somethings. What the dog gone darn heck is GOING ON HERE!? Even with build 2.6, we were told that it is "just around the corner", so where is it!
NONE of this makes ANY sense!
Is there anyone who can tell us? What is with all of the cloak and dagger situation with all of us being kept in the dark!?
Anyone, ANYONE!?
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of news, got a health issue recently, I've been off for a couple of months and (slowly) working far from sources of stress. Build 296 should be released in January, fingers crossed, we'll post it when it's ready.
Thanks for the update Yves. I can imagine how stressful keeping up with Fusion must be. I hope you're feeling better.
Yves, thank you so much for giving us the good news! I was losing hope. I am really sorry about your health issue. I have had some of those the year, as well. I had a few health scares this year. However, I was able to recover. We all wish you well. We all wish hope you are feeling better. Again, thank you for the good news.
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of news, got a health issue recently, I've been off for a couple of months and (slowly) working far from sources of stress. Build 296 should be released in January, fingers crossed, we'll post it when it's ready.
Finally some good news, merry Christmas. Will it be a beta version or a finished release?
Merry Christmas Yves and wish you the best. I always just want to chime in that the updates to 2.5 so far have basically taken care of everything I needed from the IDE so I'm always just appreciative its been this well maintained so far
Finally some good news, merry Christmas. Will it be a beta version or a finished release?
It will be a beta version, there are important changes that need to be widely tested.
Always good to hear from you Yves! hopefully the recovery went well, wishing the best.
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