I've tried numerous times to get the Directory without a File Name from the New Android Dialog, with no success.
Is there an easy way to do this?
As Far as getting the File Directory and File Name using a custom button " SELECT ". No issues! ( On file Picker with Id "1" and Button " SELECT " / Set alterable String to FILEPICKEDNAME$"newandroiddialogobject")
However, I see no Option to Get The Directory only.
The current workaround I am using is EDITBOX Object and the NEW ANDROID DIALOG Object.
Basically, you use the NEW ANDROID DIALOG Object to find a Temporary Blank File you place in the Directory you want.
This returns the Directory and Blank Text file Location.
Then you click the edit box to delete the File Name and click Enter.
This changes the Directory with the File Object.
Any help would be great. Thank you!