Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • There are no current video tutorials on how to export games to Android available so I made a "simple" to follow tutorial that helped me be able to get the exporter working properly again!

    Your results may vary but if you have any advice be sure to share it in this thread.

    This is honestly something that should be included with MMF2.5 as an automated setup tool, but this info helps.
    Thing is, I have installed MMF2.5 a dozen times by now on laptops as I upgrade them.
    Sometimes, everything works flawlessly and sometimes build errors.

    Thank you, nonetheless. Next time I upgrade my laptop. I will try it out step by step!

  • This is honestly something that should be included with MMF2.5 as an automated setup tool, but this info helps.
    Thing is, I have installed MMF2.5 a dozen times by now on laptops as I upgrade them.
    Sometimes, everything works flawlessly and sometimes build errors.

    Thank you, nonetheless. Next time I upgrade my laptop. I will try it out step by step!

    Glad it could help! In Clickteam's defense they are at the mercy of Google changing tools and requirements just as we are so I don't blame them for not fully implementing / automating the porting process but having and ensuring that there are up to date tutorials to me is the biggest priority in my opinion.

  • Glad it could help! In Clickteam's defense they are at the mercy of Google changing tools and requirements just as we are so I don't blame them for not fully implementing / automating the porting process but having and ensuring that there are up to date tutorials to me is the biggest priority in my opinion.

    Very True! I actually gave up on Google Play and started selling Directly.
    Google can't seem to leave Android alone and they just keep making it worse.
    So, I still make .apks for my Customers Directly.

    What i meant by automated was a step by step setup.
    Basically you click install and it installs the Android Exporter.
    Then it tells you the files you need and how to install them.
    Basically your pdf, with instructions as needed as you progress during the install of Android Exporter.
    Very simple and the info could be linked to a webpage clickteam can change at anytime to prevent from having to create 500 exporters for google's latest Nonsense.

    Edited once, last by VBEinc (November 13, 2023 at 3:41 AM).

  • AFAIK you should not install Oracle Java, IIRC there are licensing issues with it, the version that comes with Android Studio works very well with Fusion. I've just tried installing the latest version of Android Studio and had no problem building an APK with the version of Java in C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jbr...

  • I think it would be great to have a nice video tutorial that shows all the steps to do to export to Android and iPhone with all the steps, especially those that are different such as installation also as app bundle, keystore, publication as alpha and then beta, test advertising and in production, in app purchases, gdpr, saving, recommended settings. I think it's not a long thing to do and it would make new users more willing to buy the software, especially for those who don't know much about programming and there would be fewer posts regarding these steps. it would be much better to have video tutorials than texts that refer to a single step and show nothing, the Yandex browser has adopted this solution, their video tutorials are really beautiful, it would be nice to have the one for Android and iPhone . I would do it, but I'm not expert enough

    Edited once, last by janpier (November 13, 2023 at 1:34 PM).

  • Yves - I see, I had to use older tutorials as a base so that's a step I included. I'll leave it in the slides but when I do make a video tutorial I'll see if I can do it the way you described without errors. Thank you for the feedback!

    janpier - I do intend to make a video version for Android exporting among other things. I won't do an iPhone porting tutorial since I don't own one and I personally hate iPhones' architecture in general.

    As for tutorials in general I will be making a few over the course of the next two months, my gift to the community. If there is a desire to have me make more afterwards I'll consider it.

    List of planned tutorials - no dates of release and not in order
    Note: For the showcase videos I'll be using the Free version of Fusion

    - 5 Minute Intro to using Clickteam Fusion 2.5

    - Porting your Fusion game to Android

    - Making a 2D platform game in 15 minutes showcase

    - Making a retro (Horizontal) shoot em up in 15 minutes showcase

    - Making a retro (Vertical) shoot em up in 15 minutes showcase

    - Making a visual novel game in 15 minutes showcase

    - Let's Experiment: Making a game with Firefly

    The reason I need 15 minutes as apposed to just 5 or 10 for a showcase is that I plan to explain what I'm doing as I do it so that it doubles as a tutorial.

  • Yves - I see, I had to use older tutorials as a base so that's a step I included. I'll leave it in the slides but when I do make a video tutorial I'll see if I can do it the way you described without errors. Thank you for the feedback!

    Old tutorials are obsolete since the build 292, the installation instructions for the build 292 and greater are in Please login to see this link..

  • Should we still be using these exact details (SDK Verison 31 for example?) It seems some updates have occurred since this was posted.

    I followed your steps and got "Unresolved reference: VERSION_1_8" in Android Studio. Any idea what caused this?

  • Check this forum post I made: Please login to see this link.

    Sorry I'm just seeing this!!! I have no idea what happened, but I called it quits that night and the next day it worked without issue. I'm now having a google play issue regarding "native crash" Are you much familiar with these issues?! And thanks for the help!!!

  • Sorry I'm just seeing this!!! I have no idea what happened, but I called it quits that night and the next day it worked without issue. I'm now having a google play issue regarding "native crash" Are you much familiar with these issues?! And thanks for the help!!!

    If everything was setup correctly, a bad (corrupted) object or event(s) that the android runtime doesn't like a crash may happen..

    If it doesn't crash right at startup, then it's not a setup issue, and in case you need help with that, I already linked a thread post I written with more info about it

    But if it's related to events, honestly there is no real easy way to detect where it's crashing, so you will have to manually figure it out, I ran into some crashes before with the android runtime and especially the iOS runtime, and 99% of them were due to events they didn't like done in an exact way due to some runtime bugs (most of them were fixed after I reported them though) what I would do to debug the problem is decativating parts of my code one by one, while this is indeed a very tedious proces, it can be easier if your game is structured on functions and separated parts that connect together like lego bricks..

    It may even go as far as something related to corrupted objects, for example, I once had this nasty object corruption that's not even visible, like the object did look and function just fine on Windows and other runtimes, but when I build for android, the whole engine crashes mid build, and I only managed to haunt down the object by deleting different objects and I found the one causing the issue

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
    You can support my work on: Please login to see this link.

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