I am experimenting with having the head of my character being set to the angle of the mouse, so that he is always looking at the mouse. The problem though is that the image gets extremely jagged and blurry when not looking at a straight angle forward,down or up. I wonder if there is any tricks one can do to make this smoother and look less jagged and blurry?
One potential thing I am thinking about is if it could improve things if not just having one frame of the head but instead like 3 or 5 where the you paint the head at an angle in between so that it can change to that image as you increase the angle and then get a smoother transition instead of basing all the angles on just one image? I dont know if that makes sense and if that could work and how to actually do it or if there is also other methods?
I know there are programs like Spine etc that lets you move things in smooth angles, could this work by inserting it into something like that and adjusting the angle and exporting it or would it just mess up the sprite badly if it is pixelart?
I have attached the example of mario with his head angled toward the mouse