The recent major patch makes syncing alterable value names among qualifiers difficult.

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • A feature new to 2.5+ which I greatly appreciated was being able to select many objects and easily make sure they had the same variable names. If they were different, it would be labeled "Undetermined." I could double-click and the selected object's naming would appear in the text box, click ok and now everything is synced. All done. This functionality is still technically there, it's just much harder to do now.

    Let's say I make a new object and add the "Group.NPC" qualifier. It starts with 0 initial values (previously they would start with 26. Not a big difference, just have to press the add button 26 more times.) Now, say I want to sync its variable names. I select all NPCs and press add. Instead of creating "(0) Alterable Value A" like it could have before this patch, it creates "(91) Alterable Value CN." The first empty slot every object has. This adds an extra requirement where I have to find every object with that qualifier and manually create potentially hundreds of values until every one has the exact same amount. The "select all objects with qualifier" isn't good for this since it only works with one object selected at a time, and that command always seems to select multiple phantom objects that don't even exist. So now, a new part of my process has to be grouping qualifier objects roughly in the same area of the frame editor so if I add a new value I can methodically add it to all the other ones and then I can sync the name.

    TL;DR: It would be nice if creating new alterable values for multiple objects worked how it did before.

  • Im not quite understanding whats said, but you if you don't already know, since build 294 (a big update released in 2022 with major additions and changes), one of the changes was the ability to order and "delete" values (deleting just clears the name of the value, its default data set in properties, and hides it from the list) but its still the same things in the underlying structure, as deleting doesn't actually delete, and ordering is only visual, the indexes are still kept the same..

    When you add a new value, it tries to find the first empty value, that doesn't necessarily mean the next one in the list, for example, say you created values:

    • 0: Health
    • 1: Power
    • 2: Stamina

    And wanted to delete Power, what would happen is, it will just clear the name of value B (index 1), clear its data (reset it to 0 or an empty string depending on the type) and hide it from the list, so it will appear like this:

    • 0: Health
    • 2: Stamina

    Then you wanted to add 2 values, Skill, and Insurance respectively, what would happen is it will try to find the first empty value, being alt value b (index 1) which was the previously deleted Power val, and just assigns the "new" value to that index, so now Skill value is alt value B (index 1), then the same thing happens when you add the Insurance value, this time the new index being 3 as expected as its the first empty value it can find, so over all, this how it will end up looking:

    • 0: Health
    • 1: Skill
    • 2: Stamina
    • 3: Insurance

    And as mentioned above, you can always order values (visual only) at anytime, something like this:

    • 1: Skill
    • 3: Indurance
    • 0: Health
    • 2: Stamina

    Things get a bit tricky when selecting multiple objects though, especially with different sets of values, orders and names, you can even get some engine errors (doesnt cause corruptions as far as I know) in some specific cases when modifying values of multiple objects, but the general rules are:

    • When adding values to multiple objects at once, it will try to find the first empty value of the whole selection, so for example, if you selected 2 objects, the first object has an empty value at index 2 and the second object has an empty value at index 1, it will place the new value at index 2 for both objects
    • Different sets of values (like different sets, order, and names) for multiple objects selected would show as Undetermined, I wouldn't recommend manipulating values that show as Undetermined much or in some cases you would get the an argument error, especially when it comes to different value sets and\or order
    • Its all still index based as it always was, nothing is truly name based here, the whole ordering and deleting things is just visual (maybe not much with deleting as it also clears default value data and assignes that index as empty so it can be replaced at any moment when adding a value) but the general structure is still index based, basically a list


    • You can multi select values to bulk delete them (but you cant bulk move values for now, but that may come in a future update)
    • When pasting values from an object another, you may get a pop up window saying you want to replace existing values or not, that happens when pasting values with indexes that are already their, choosing YES will replace those value, while NO will add the new pasted values to empty indexes according to how it adds values as I explained above
    • In case you don't already know, you can show value indexes from preferences which can greatly help in some cases, especially as you start ordering and deleting values

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
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  • When adding values to multiple objects at once, it will try to find the first empty value of the whole selection, so for example, if you selected 2 objects, the first object has an empty value at index 2 and the second object has an empty value at index 1, it will place the new value at index 2 for both objects

    This is what I mean. It didn't used to be like this and it adds a lot of extra work with no benefit. Previously it would just add the lowest value to the object with the least values so you could select groups of objects and quickly reach parity with all of them. I don't know what you mean by manipulating undetermined values. Bulk renaming undetermined values works 100% of the time for me. and I've been doing it A LOT.

  • I've also noticed this issue, though I can't say for sure that I used in the past it was pretty surprising to me -- especially if everything still remains index based. I had kind of thought that the change implied that everything would be more based on the assigned names, if that isn't the case this could be super confusing and furstrating especially for newcomers -- if two objects have different Alterable Values with the same name in different indices, I suspect that most people unfamilar with the index system will expect them to be the same "variable".

    This may not help a ton, but maybe help a little bit, you have a WinBatch or Keyboard Maestro macro to press "Tab, Shift Tab, Space" x number of times for how many values you need to add, then bind that to a keyboard shortcut and press the shortcut after clicking on the blank area to the left of the New Alterable Values button. (I'm not sure if Keyboard Maestro lets you do parameters to input the number of repetitions you want, but you can do that in WinBatch for sure, or something similar.) Just a workaround though to make the labor less intensive. I'll see if I can get something to work like this in WinBatch and let you know if you're interested.

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