A feature new to 2.5+ which I greatly appreciated was being able to select many objects and easily make sure they had the same variable names. If they were different, it would be labeled "Undetermined." I could double-click and the selected object's naming would appear in the text box, click ok and now everything is synced. All done. This functionality is still technically there, it's just much harder to do now.
Let's say I make a new object and add the "Group.NPC" qualifier. It starts with 0 initial values (previously they would start with 26. Not a big difference, just have to press the add button 26 more times.) Now, say I want to sync its variable names. I select all NPCs and press add. Instead of creating "(0) Alterable Value A" like it could have before this patch, it creates "(91) Alterable Value CN." The first empty slot every object has. This adds an extra requirement where I have to find every object with that qualifier and manually create potentially hundreds of values until every one has the exact same amount. The "select all objects with qualifier" isn't good for this since it only works with one object selected at a time, and that command always seems to select multiple phantom objects that don't even exist. So now, a new part of my process has to be grouping qualifier objects roughly in the same area of the frame editor so if I add a new value I can methodically add it to all the other ones and then I can sync the name.
TL;DR: It would be nice if creating new alterable values for multiple objects worked how it did before.