I'm looking for an aim dots in a tank game. you know a lot of dots that are in an arc where the bullet follows!
* Always
Active : Set Alterable Value B to ( Alterable Value A( "Active" ) * value( "Counter 2" ) ) * Sin(Alterable Value C( "Active" ) - ( Alterable Value A( "Active" ) * value( "Counter 2" ) ))
Active : Set X position to "Active 2" ) - ( Alterable Value A( "Active" ) * value( "Counter 3" ) ) * Sin(Alterable Value B( "Active" ) - value( "Counter" ))
Active : Set Y position to Y( "Active 2" ) + ( Alterable Value A( "Active" ) * value( "Counter 3" ) ) * Cos(Alterable Value B( "Active" ) + value( "Counter" ))
This line should be reversed somehow....
Here is a Movie what Im trying to do. It doesnt fit at all.
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