Hello Clickpals,
If this topic has been mentioned before, i apologize for that.
The issue is, If you want to work with others on your Clickteam game project, how do you handle file sharing and version control? In general, I've used platforms like GitHub, Gdrive, OneDrive, etc.for these. But i am open for suggestions.
It doesn't seem very feasible for two people to work on the same .MFA file simultaneously in Clickteam Fusion because changes made by one person overwrite those made by another. (Unlike in another popular game engines, which offer a Prefab system that prevents this.) It makes clearly to debug your .MFA file changes harder without taking notes of every details of change.
Regarding teamwork, If we assume that you handle the coding while your friend works on level design, your friend can work on a cloned .MFA file for avoiding conflicts (assuming all assets for this level are prepared beforehand). Meanwhile, you can take all the designed level objects (backdrops, active obj etc.) from the designed level frame onto your main frame through copy-paste method and integrate them with code. For a designer and a coder, this is the best teamwork I could find for Clickteam Fusion so far. If you have any recommendations or suggestions for a more stable and innovative workflow for team collaboration in CTF, I would love to hear them.
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Thank you in advance for replies.
- madhoux