Hello clickers !
I would like to make an rts game ala C&C/Red Alert. I've found the "Advanced Path Movement" object, and I think it could be very useful to move units among paths; it even comes with a useful node/path editor. Since I plan to make an RTS which should run in a browser, the APO seems to me a good candidate for this task.
But suddenly the first challenge arises: I need to move more active objects at the same time, and not only one. Seems to me that the APO (Advanced Path Movement) object can only move the object which was previously"attached" to it - with the command: Set Object to <object-to-be-moved>.
Setting another object does not seem to work.
The only workaround to circumnavigate this problem, is to create at design time a lot of APOs, and then peek one of them and assign to the object which should be moved.
This solution is however quit cumbersome, as I don't know at design time, how much objects - for example tanks - I will create during the game. If I create the APO at run-time, it has the same name of the first created, and it does not seem to work either.
The question. Do you have done this already, and if yes, then how ?
Thanks for your attention,