How up-to-date is the iOS exporter?

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • tl:dr - Does the iOS exporter work with Xcode 15 and devices running iOS 17?

    The longer version:

    Up until six years ago I'd racked up over a thousand hours on Fusion and I remember successfully getting a game running on my iPad with minimal effort using the iOS exporter. Since then I've hardly used it, until the end of last year. That's when I began working on another app, and around an hour ago I attempted to get it running on Xcode 15. Upon building it I was met with nearly 200 build errors.

    Before I begin digging into the many possible reasons for the errors I thought I'd ask here to see if I need to update Fusion or the iOS exporter. Some of the messages I got were talking about stuff that was deprecated in iOS 12 which was quite some time ago. Any other advice/suggestions would be appreciated.

  • A little more information:

    I only glanced at a few errors, but one error message I got was "'EAGLContext' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 12.0". Does this suggest I'm using an old version of iOS exporter? Because it looks like everything switched from OpenGL to Metal back then, and that was around 2019.

    If so, do I need to manually update my iOS exporter? I'm using the Steam version and Fusion has already updated to build 295.

  • I've been getting far more Xcode build issues recently as well now since having to update to iOS Deployment Target 12.0. I get 290 issues each time, which nearly all refer to: 'glGetRenderbufferParameteriv' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 12.0 - OpenGLES API deprecated. (Define GLES_SILENCE_DEPRECATION to silence these warnings)

    There is also: /Images.xcassets:./LaunchImage.launchimage Launch images are deprecated in iOS 13.0. Use a launch storyboard or XIB instead.

    also: 'UIUserNotificationTypeBadge' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 10.0 - Use UserNotifications Framework's UNAuthorizationOptions


    *.xcodeproj Enable Base Internationalization, *.xcodeproj Migrate “English.lproj” (Deprecated), *.xcodeproj Migrate “Japanese.lproj” (Deprecated), *.xcodeproj Migrate “German.lproj” (Deprecated), *.xcodeproj Migrate “French.lproj” (Deprecated)

    I know the apps still work despite these errors, but it would be really good to eliminate them. Does anyone know of a way to fix them?

    I've attached a text file of all the build errors.

    Please login to see this attachment.

  • I found the answer to silence the 'EAGLContext' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 12.0 - OpenGLES API deprecated warnings

    Go to Build Settings in Xcode and search for Apple Clang - Preprocessing

    Toggle the Preprocessor Macros drop down menu to see 'Debug' and 'Release' entries which should be blank

    Enter GLES_SILENCE_DEPRECATION=1 DEBUG=1 in the Debug field

    Enter GLES_SILENCE_DEPRECATION=1 in the Release field

    The issues have been reduced to just 14 now! :)

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Please login to see this link.

    Edited once, last by AND (April 10, 2024 at 8:19 AM).

  • I'm not sure if silencing the build errors is enough to basically solve the problem or whether it affects Apple's decision to approve it for the app store. Fwiw I think I found the answer to my original question. It looks like the last update to the iOS Exporter was in April 2021, according to Please login to see this link..

    I have pretty much zero experience at even using an Apple device let alone developing for one. The only time I did this, back in 2016, I exported it then built it and it worked straight away. But Please login to see this link. appears to offer some good advice on getting an old (ie 2010) Xcode project running on a newer (2022) version. So I'll just update this thread with any useful stuff I find.

  • Thanks for the link Mike. Point #1 about clicking on ”recommended update settings” is really good, but you still get the nearly 300 warnings about things being deprecated. Things that were deprecated going back to iOS 9 (2015), iOS 10, iOS 12 & iOS 13 (2019).

    I posted in 2016 "Fifty-Eight Xcode Errors in v7.3" (April 5th - exactly 8 years ago yesterday!) and had a reassuring reply from aenever who said, "Are the errors stopping you building your file? (Can you test your App?)"

    "If you can test your app they're not really an error, just a warning. It's just letting you know that some features are depreciated (in their words outdated yet still usable)."

    So I haven't really worried much about the warnings since then, but it's always in the back of my mind that we're heavily reliant on Apple and Clickteam keeping any changes to future OS releases compatible. It is amazing though, as the person in the Reddit post said, that projects which were programmed more than 10 years ago can still run on the latest Apple devices.

    April 5, 2016 at 11:42 AM
  • I meant to update this to clarify that my app seems to be working fine using the iOS exporter.

    It's running on iPhone and iPad simulators on MacOS Ventura. All I had to do was go to the 'General' tab in XCode and make sure 'minimum deployments' was set to iOS 17.0, and also make sure I'd selected my application at the top (not Box 2D or anything instead). I can silence any deprecation warnings that appear but they don't seem to make any difference to the app either way.

    I'll try it with some other iOS versions and update this when I know the outcome.

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