Hello everyone.
I hope someone can help me with the HTML5-Exprorter plugin.
I'm having trouble testing and solving the functionality of a small HTML5 application for mobile phones.
What it is exactly about: Browsers like DuckDuchgo, Chrome, Edge, Opera and Vivaldi do not show any controls for mobile phones. With the Firefox browser I get all controls for mobile phones displayed. Everything is functional (control pad). Only the button (1) has no interaction.
What I have done so far:
- Searched the Steam forum and here for solutions without success.
- Joystick control object inserted in the respective frames.
- "Repeat while [Player1] pressed Fire 1" inserted as event.
- Event "Repeat while [Player1] pressed Fire 1" queried in the storyboard control with: 'Jump to frame "start" (2)'
- Testing the app on a mobile phone.
- Testing the app in different browsers.
Does anyone have a hint where I have made a mistake or how the button query should be?
Thanks to all for helpful suggestions.
Best regards