It's been a few years since I've used Clickteam products. Many years ago I had purchased Fusion Developer on CD. Unfrotunaltey, that seems longer accessible as I see no way to install it and then upgrade easily. However, back in 2016 I had purchased Fusion 2.5 and the Developer Upgrade along with all of the exporters (e.g. Android, iOS, HTML5, and UWP. This was Humble Bundle pack and was distributed through Steam. I recently installed Steam, which shows these purchases, but no way to download.
I've tried looking through what is considered the Temporary Passport section of the Clickteam Dashboard. However, the message at the top says that it'll be up and running within a week (Deck 18th-24th). I don't know what year that was posted, but it's still the only download section on here I can find when logged in. I'm assuming that was December 2023 or some year prior. Just curious on what's going on here and wondering if I need to contact Clickteam or Steam about access. In my Clickteam account it has my purchases also listed, but no way to download or info on how to download the products.