Beginner - I need randomizing a background image

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  • I have a rookie-made audiobook app, which I recently made. Here is the Playstore link:

    Please login to see this link.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    I need help, I'm in over my head. How do I make an background image that randomizes every time someone loads the Home page?

    I hope to learn how to randomise animations/images or frames, or anything. Because I think thats a refreshing way to improve my projects. But I have no idea how to randomize the background image. I have already loaded the other options as "Animations"

    Is there anyone who can help me?

    PS: I have included the project files below. I had to delete the page with the audio file, because it was making the app too big to send here. (I hope nothing is broken in the project files).

    Thank you, in advance



  • Hello Totally2d,

    one approach could be to use an active object to display the background image. Every active object has animations, so you can set a different background image for each frame of an animation, and at the beginnig of the app ( event: start frame ) set a random frame number for that animation.

    You could even use the active object directions, and assign a different image for each of the 32 directions, and set a random direction for that active object when the app starts.

    I hope this makes sense to you.


  • Hello Totally2d,

    one approach could be to use an active object to display the background image. Every active object has animations, so you can set a different background image for each frame of an animation, and at the beginnig of the app ( event: start frame ) set a random frame number for that animation.

    You could even use the active object directions, and assign a different image for each of the 32 directions, and set a random direction for that active object when the app starts.

    I hope this makes sense to you.


    Hey, thank you.

    I think I understand. Let me give it a short and see if I understood.
    I'll come back with an update, whenever tested this.

    Again, thank you.

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