To preface . . .I'm not a PHP or MySql guy so please forgive any ignorance .
I downloaded this tutorial from the advanced section of clickteam's website and I can't seem to get it to work:
Please login to see this attachment.
It comes with a guide that, at points, just says "Fill stuff out its self explanatory."
It also comes with a php fle that seems to contain the code for logging in, registering, etc.
I've changed the information in the php file to match what I have on my end and uploaded it to my webhost
Please login to see this attachment.
I grabbed the service line from the hostname variable in my php control panel
The username is displayed in my hosts main control panel for that specific database
I've verified the password is correct for that username
The table in the database is named "Users"
As you can see here my database name matches.
Please login to see this attachment.
I've also created a table named "Users" that matches what is in the example file
I've also made sure to include "Please login to see this link.." at the beginning of the Get URL because I found posts where people had issues by startign with the domain name instead of www.
Please login to see this attachment.
The odd thing is that the GET object refuses to throw errors. When attempting to register the "register" button re-enables itself so I know this line of code is executing, but the string that should show the error is completely blank.
// Again, if the lowecase version of the first seven characters is not "success":
// Then it failed so show the error and re-enable the button so the user can retry. Errors can be "Username taken" or "Email taken"
* Get object: On get complete
+ Lower$(Left$(Received$( "Get object" ), 7)) <> "success"
Error Message : Set alterable string to Received$( "Get object" )
createAccount : Enable
With no error checking I can't even attempt to troubleshoot. There is another login/register server example in the click store for $9.99 which looks a lot more fleshed out, but I can't purchase it because the click store is permanently down.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Also can someone explain the get object to me?
Get object : Add POST data "task" = "register"
Get object : Add POST data "user" = Edittext$( "username" )
Get object : Add POST data "pass" = Edittext$( "password" )
Get object : Add POST data "email" = Edittext$( "email" )
Get object : Get URL "Please login to see this link."
createAccount : Disable
POST data is data we are sending to the server correct? So this is just sending information to the php script and then the php script takes that data, places it into variables, and executes on it correct?