Here is my info on Fusion

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • This all here was my rough sketch on ideas faults whatever came to my mind.

    Please excuse my on the typo..

    21. Clone Qualifier's.. So you can change 1 or 2 conditions.
    22. Easier way to find event triggers.
    23. Dropbox, Editbox should have the same commands so the same commands will work for qualifers.
    24. In event objects at the top click to have a object selected like new condition selected but selecting to scroll to that object.
    25. Duplicate Qualifiers
    26. Right click a cell and copy all events (drag works but difficult to copy far away into another condition)
    27. Right Clicking a cell put an icons to show each condition.
    28. When clicking on an object at top in event list editor return back to the line code. Instead of top end of event list.
    29. Put all qualifiers to one side when making a new condition.
    30. Active System Box in menu for ( Image) have an option to pattern, center, top-left and... (stretch) the image if resizing active system box.
    31. Active Picture have the option to insert or edit images without using a filename. Their is an option in active picture called (Size) which is needed in a active object.
    32. Undo to show what was to be undone (Code such click on)
    33. Event Editor objects selected at the top to anchor 5 objects so all 5 objects can be dragged in same order.
    34. Event editor top objects line have numbers in order
    35. Desktop Date & Time is overlapping everything else.
    36. Counters to have scale options to.
    37. Action editor that you RUN the application from their to.
    38. "Same effect as previous layer" has no help
    39. active system object image should have frames
    40. copy multiple conditions
    41. ignore mouse clicks in bouncing ball
    42. in event list filter for Non activated conditions
    43. in event list when pressing filter object button at the top have it show Group folder.
    44. When pressing filter object at the top show the filter button at all times when scrolling
    through event list therwiee youll forget what filter button is on again.
    45. Deactivate a Created object in event list.
    46. Counters should have directional value
    47. Preview play The image editor animation more than once..perhaps return rewind.
    48. On Object slide Ribbon, in event editor at the top select combination of objects to move slide all at once.
    49. set the position to have more options like read a position from ini
    50. Right click a cell, and save the code to memory, then right click on an empty cell to insert the code.
    51. its not really a problem ,but placing objects in center playfield. can interfering on a button clicked on runtime. example or placing a string..especially a string..can prevent interactions.
    52. Copy all conditions and paste them into another...btw ,the copy and paste right click hardly works.
    53. Counters need hotspot or action points
    54. hotspot or action points on strings
    55. right click workspace toolbar to (Show objects in Frame Editor)
    56. show the amount of conditons left you can have per each line.
    57. Right click actions to clear all conditions in that line only.
    58. problem ,cant negate object when mouse over clicking on active system box.
    59. zooming in and out from graphics editor uses to much memory.
    60. Reverse Animation action in event editor
    61. copy several conditions seperatly
    62. right click with mouse copy any condition does not paste,
    63. export source to C++ Code
    64. edit text in any adding paragraph must have Word Wrap
    65. Rename paragraphs
    66. Turn "Flash' object command off instead of writing out a code for it.
    67. inside .ini to add newline
    68. Combine qualifers, if they have the same conditions.
    69. Importing sprite sheet have adjusting directions per sheet.
    70. Copy qualifiers to objects
    80. no select text in edit object
    81. Divide Alterable value, Multiple Alterable Value
    82. In extension manager when clicking (adjust buttons) type,name.. not wotking correctly
    83. Copy paste image editor place the copied selected area at Positions x,y ..and not at 0,0xy
    84. To have a command to (Reset) or Cancel Timer event., or Fire event.
    85. add object to debugger organize alphbetic
    86. play sample once
    87. in Event editor to see the color, for codes like this 233,44,128
    88. Group qualifiers together, into one qualifier
    89. show active deactive groups in debugger
    90. in event editor bring tooltip closer to mouse pointer
    91. Select eventsvright click Add to Group
    100. close all groups
    101. scale angle counters
    102. propeties arrow buttons to max and min, intial values
    103. when selecting an object in the frame editor.. highlight it in the workspace toolbar.
    104. show object in events , show also object in the top ribbon in Event editor
    105. Close all Groups in the event editor
    106. Activate Group by expression.
    107. possibly a 32x32 image within a comment line
    108. When opening a group the child events to indent, further to the right. ,we can see better.
    109. Put number in image editor for directions 1, 4, 8 ..
    110. Rename object from Event Conditions
    111. Interpolation in screen props
    112. Rename groups in the Act/Dea groups dialog
    113. In the Act/Dea groups dialog show line number to each group
    114. Have the option to delete any shader from the effects dialog..
    115. Show the user which actives is using shaders.
    116. Show layer numbers for active objects witjout hovering an active
    117. When set position of object have it you can change layers in the Layers Toolbar
    118. ,rotate strings
    119. Edit object in 'event editor' by right clicking properties
    120. Show Groups activated deactivate through debugger
    121. see the x,y dimensions of objects in propeties without placing object in workspace
    122. Copy and Paste a graphic or the same positons... in the paint editor. and not in a top left corner.
    123. (Space objects) command in workspace is not acuratley working.
    123. When editing cordinace from objects leave the x,y pos the same and not reset x,y
    124. Change the create object instead of create an entire object over again
    125. no pick count for time date object
    126. no order in time dates object
    127. close all groups throughout the source code.
    128. The ability to cloning objects in reverse x, y positons in frame editor using (-34 example)
    129. In qualifers show which has been used, perhaps tiny right hand corner like behaviour glpyh.

  • 1. Any object can overlap Editbox's or any windows control object, button such. And it must work well in android.. ios all platforms.
    Can't do that. They're rendered by Windows inside a sub-window.

    2. Sub-Application object really needs some updates. And it must work in all platform's.
    It does. There are some limitations - for example, Android doesn't have much of a concept of a sub-window, because phones are too small for users to work with those.

    3. An option to adjust Active System box thicker border. 1x 2x 3x 4.
    Can't do that, drawn by OS, hence "system" box. When they're not, it'd be inconsistent to offer it.

    4. Design a Grid like buttons from 1 to 31 that user can push on/off for flags.
    I don't see much use for that, particularly as flags ought to be named to be useful, so by index is of little use. Bitwise math tends to be beyond Fusion users.

    5. Right click on icons in the event top list "move to far side left" or ,"move to the far side right"
    Just click and drag the icon over, bro. Holding the icon near end of the window will scroll it.

    6. Example ..Five objects have same qualify, in conditions the Destroy condition will not destroy all five objects?
    They do, if you use the action under Qualifier.

    7. Clear code row in action.
    Double-tap inside the event's line and hold Delete key, all actions gone. Or you can create a new event and drag the conditions over, holding Ctrl to copy them.

    8. Active System Box (text) is overlapping most objects.
    Yep. OS-drawn.

    9. When editing a object x,z positioning in event list have the option to edit in the event, using a calculator and not entering into a whole frame.
    You can set X and Y by expression, just not together. Setting them together is not a bad idea, though.

    10. Align String (left, center, right) through Event editor.
    Possible, but note some OSes don't feature alignment - anyone trying to implement it has to calculate the width of the text, move backwards from right margin, and position left.
    Generally though, in a UI you don't need to adjust alignment at runtime.

    11. In calculation expression put this character " button and Space button to.
    It's complicated enough... you could use AutoHotkey to type in place of a different character. But in any coding language you do have to type a bunch of " characters. I think it could be useful to have, but would have limited use. Space, not so much.

    12. Workspace toolbar when selecting an object at the same time in the frame editor have it select the object that was selected from the toolbar.
    Yeah, I get the same idiocy in Visual Studio. They're basically separate concepts as far as the UI is concerned; if you press Enter on one, it means a different thing to Enter on the other. Selecting on the other side might confuse screen readers as to what to say is focused.

    13. Edit the( create object) instead of coding it again. Then deleting the object just to get the same position.
    Yep, it's kinda goofy how that works. If you have to do multiple replaces, you can instead copy out the events to a new frame, right-click it in top, and go "replace by another object" to swap it over.

    14. A Back and Foward button not the undo, in the expression editor. Especially when writing an INI object.
    If you have freshly added the expression, you can use Tab key to cycle through its parameters. But it is annoying that you can't Tab through it afterwards...

    15. Add this character ( , ) to expression editor
    Eh. Are you expecting to not have a keyboard?

    16. Get value "Group" in INI object ... Only.
    Honestly, it's semantics. There's always a group, even if it's blank. Most users don't even bother with Set Current XX in Ini object.

    17. In properties put file size KB or MB .. for each object
    That's not very useful. If someone's going to throw out an extension due to MFX size they clearly didn't need it.

    18. Action Editor have save button on
    Not sure why that's a thing, but in theory all editing is meant to stop. Perhaps a throwback to Step-Through editor in KnP.

    19. Spread Value seems to go backwards on an object created? 9,8,7,6.. 20.
    Yeah, that's unlikely to change. Why it works that way is the objects are in a linked list format; so the second created is made the one pointed to in the frame's object list for that type, and the second created's Next variable points to the first created - that way, only two variables need be set. When you create your 2000th item, only two variables need set again, the frame object list's starter entry, and the Next of the first created. To reverse it would require a loop to the last item, jumping from Next of 1st to Next of 2nd until 1999th, then setting the Next variable there. Much slower to do.

    20. Workspace toolbar searching for an object perhaps in properties you can have show which layer the object is in.
    You can create an object in different layers simultaneously.

    21. that you could not see the length size of an object or sprite from workspace or properties toolbar... unless you place the object into the workspace first.
    Objects can be different sizes despite being the same type. As it turns out, no one coded their objects that way, but there's no programmatic reason to prevent it.

    22. Selecting in workspace an object highlight it in workspace toolbar.
    See 12.

    23. In the Movement under properties from workspace, the drag and drop movement will not work unless it is the first option, in properties.
    Probably due to it needing to intercept the mouse. Although no one uses Drag n Drop movement, instead relying on their own code.

    21. Clone Qualifier's.. So you can change 1 or 2 conditions.
    Yeesh. You'd run out of qualifiers quickly changing them up ad-lib like that to work around event limitations.

    22. Easier way to find event triggers.
    You have Ctrl-Shift-F to find things in CF2.5+. As far as what function called what, a call stack, while it's technically implementable it's a lot of cruft if people aren't reading the result at the end. DarkScript does offer this.

    23. Dropbox, Editbox should have the same commands so the same commands will work for qualifers.
    The difference is due to different object setup. Sometimes what seems like the same actions are not implemented by the built-in setup, but instead a recreation. Editbox needs to notify the editbox OS control if its size changes, for example, whereas Actives don't have to.

    24. In event objects at the top click to have a object selected like new condition selected but selecting to scroll to that object.

    25. Duplicate Qualifiers
    Why? Unless you forgot 21, this basically serves no purpose, unless you're unable to come up with a good qualifier name (CF2.5+ allows renaming/re-iconing qualifiers).

    26. Right click a cell and copy all events (drag works but difficult to copy far away into another condition)
    You can left click, press ctrl-c, then left click the destination cell and ctrl-v.

    27. Right Clicking a cell put an icons to show each condition.
    That would confuse the users about what actions or conditions are. You can drag the icon from top onto New Condition for a similar effect, though.

    28. When clicking on an object at top in event list editor return back to the line code. Instead of top end of event list.
    Seems like a good idea, it's just the scrolling and display is complicated. Everything drawn in event editor is manual, no OS help, so it is painful.

    29. Put all qualifiers to one side when making a new condition.
    There's a search filter bar on the bottom for them. But not a bad idea.

    30. Active System Box in menu for ( Image) have an option to pattern, center, top-left and... (stretch) the image if resizing active system box.
    Yeah, why not. I don't know if Stretch is possible in their OS control, though.

    31. Active Picture have the option to insert or edit images without using a filename. There is an option in active picture called (Size) which is needed in a active object.
    There is OWidth and OHeight. You can also resize with Set Scale, although it's relative the math is fairly simple. But yes, there should be a flat Set Size.

    32. Undo to show what was to be undone (Code such click on)
    If only, if only, the moon speaks no reply; reflecting the sun, and all that's gone by.

    33. Event Editor objects selected at the top to anchor 5 objects so all 5 objects can be dragged in same order.
    Hmm, you can multi-select, but you can't multi-drag. That is odd.

    34. Event editor top objects line have numbers in order
    You have to use object names in expressions, and they should have recognizable icons. I'm not seeing much use for that.

    35. Desktop Date & Time is overlapping everything else.
    I don't know if these are manually drawn or drawn by OS. At any rate, I assume the logic was that there's no point to a time/date display that the user can't see because it's buried under other things.

    36. Counters to have scale options too.

    37. Action editor that you RUN the application from there to.
    That'd be impossible. You'd skip so much setup, and what's it meant to do when it gets there? Freeze the app?

    38. "Same effect as previous layer" has no help
    Yeah, a lot of stuff has no help. That is an annoyance.

    39. active system object image should have frames
    I think it's too limited by OS for that.

    40. copy multiple conditions

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • 41. ignore mouse clicks in bouncing ball
    I'm pretty sure they're unrelated...

    42. in event list filter for Non activated conditions

    43. in event list when pressing filter object button at the top have it show Group folder.

    44. When pressing filter object at the top show the filter button at all times when scrolling
    through event list otherwise you'll forget what filter button is on again.
    The top left text in event editor does indicate a filter is active.

    45. Deactivate a Created object in event list.
    That'd confuse everything. You can search for uses instead?

    46. Counters should have directional value
    Counters are for the user to understand. If you're going to be rotating it around, maybe try Uppernate's Health Bar shader.

    47. Preview play The image editor animation more than once..perhaps return rewind.
    They do rewind if it's a looping animation. But yes, a replay button can't hurt.

    48. On Object slide Ribbon, in event editor at the top select combination of objects to move slide all at once.

    49. set the position to have more options like read a position from ini
    See 9.

    50. Right click a cell, and save the code to memory, then right click on an empty cell to insert the code.
    See 26.

    51. its not really a problem ,but placing objects in center playfield. can interfering on a button clicked on runtime. example or placing a string..especially a string..can prevent interactions.
    They shouldn't interfere at all. If you make a minimal example which shows it, then report it as a bug.

    52. Copy all conditions and paste them into another...btw ,the copy and paste right click hardly works.
    See 7.

    53. Counters need hotspot or action points
    They're not Actives. If you want that much customisation, start messing with Actives and shaders.

    54. hotspot or action points on strings
    See 53. You can always have an invisible active follow where the string is and use the active's position after instead.

    55. right click workspace toolbar to (Show objects in Frame Editor)
    Eh. There can be multiple, but there should be a way to jump to them.

    56. show the amount of conditons left you can have per each line.
    If you're using more than six conditions, you're usually doing something wrong. Generally you don't need more than four, particularly with child events and functional design.

    57. Right click actions to clear all conditions in that line only.
    You can click the first condition and hold Delete until it becomes a Never event.

    58. problem ,cant negate object when mouse over clicking on active system box.
    You can, but remember it's OS controlled, so the OS may intercept any interaction with it rather than passing it to the runtime.
    Consider using an Active or Surface or something.

    59. zooming in and out from graphics editor uses to much memory.
    Probably it making a copy of the display for every zoom level you've needed... but define "too much".

    60. Reverse Animation action in event editor
    While that's doable, it comes with so many side-effects it'd be a royal pain of edge cases. I wouldn't expect this to be implemented.

    61. copy several conditions seperatly
    That's 40.

    62. right click with mouse copy any condition does not paste
    It does... if it's not negated. That's a bug, report that one.

    63. export source to C++ Code
    Ha. Good one. I doubt you'd be able to work with it anyway... most top Fusion users crumble in face of an extension SDK as soon as something goes wrong.
    And it would, for this. Even if all the objects were open source and all put together in a C++ project, the resulting project wouldn't build. It'd require a team of geniuses to get all the possible combinations to mesh nicely together into one compilation.
    At least Fusion 3 will be having something similar.

    64. edit text in any adding paragraph must have Word Wrap
    It wouldn't have much use for that. The font used for editing isn't the font the string object is using, so it'd wrap at different points.

    65. Rename paragraphs
    I wouldn't expect this, but it's definitely a useful idea. At that point, though, why not just put the paragraphs in a separate file, like an INI? As long as you string replace the newline character, you could both name and store them in an INI.
    Which comes in useful later if you add localization.

    66. Turn "Flash' object command off instead of writing out a code for it.
    I think Reappear / Make Visible cancels flashing. It's kind of a simple effect anyway; you'd get better results with a shader.

    67. inside .ini to add newline
    INI wasn't invented by Clickteam, and the format says no. Instead use a replacement character like "#NL" and replace it in read text with Newline$.

    68. Combine qualifers, if they have the same conditions.
    That is a horrible idea.

    69. Importing sprite sheet have adjusting directions per sheet.
    (I don't use this feature so I won't comment)

    70. Copy qualifiers to objects
    I could see the usefulness, but I'm not sure how the UI would work for that. Maybe a button in the qualifier part.
    (RIP 71-79, by the way.)

    80. no select text in edit object
    There is a Set Caret, but yes, that's goofy. Definitely should be in there.
    Edit Box Selection object might suffice, but it really should be in the built-in object.

    81. Divide Alterable value, Multiple Alterable Value
    Nah. Honestly, Set Value is enough anyway. Should Pow also be an option? While I get it, some languages don't even support single-mention of adding. For example, to add 10 to x, you'd have to do x = x + 10, or Set X to X + 10.

    82. In extension manager when clicking (adjust buttons) type,name.. not wotking correctly
    Create New Object seems to work fine. The Manager doesn't offer build type as a filter, it only displays them. It probably should offer that, but there's always Darkwire ext list's filter.

    83. Copy paste image editor place the copied selected area at Positions x,y ..and not at 0,0xy
    You can immediately drag it, so not a big problem. You can also scroll the window so it pastes it into place - it always puts it at top left most pixel that's visible, not always 0,0.

    84. To have a command to (Reset) or Cancel Timer event., or Fire event.
    I can see the usefulness. It is offered by DarkScript.

    85. add object to debugger organize alphbetic
    Honestly the debugger is kinda painful. Alphabetical... yeah, can't hurt. It should be noted you can type the object name in after selecting an object - most Windows controls that list things let you jump to one by name by typing after you click inside the control.

    86. play sample once
    This is the usual play format. You can use a global value to prevent replays, or INI if you wanted to keep it across app close.

    87. in Event editor to see the color, for codes like this 233,44,128
    Can't hurt to have this render better.

    88. Group qualifiers together, into one qualifier
    I could see the use, but not how you'd get to the point you'd need it without a flaw in design to begin with.

    89. show active deactive groups in debugger
    That's possibly useful. Having the ability to type commands into debugger might also be useful. I could see how group activation changing at runtime could start lagging the debugger - which is kinda slow to begin with.

    90. in event editor bring tooltip closer to mouse pointer
    Nah. It can cover stuff up.

    91. Select eventsvright click Add to Group
    That's possibly useful. Wouldn't save you much time, though.

    100. close all groups
    That's a thing. Right-click any group and it's there. There should probably be one for "close all groups at this level", though.

    101. scale angle counters
    See 36, 46, 53.

    102. propeties arrow buttons to max and min, intial values
    Hmm. Could be useful. Arrow keys do adjust values, though there's nothing for min/max.

    103. when selecting an object in the frame editor.. highlight it in the workspace toolbar.
    Yea, see 12.

    104. show object in events , show also object in the top ribbon in Event editor
    Does it not do that? If it doesn't, report it as something to fix.

    105. Close all Groups in the event editor
    You said that in 100. Did you mean folders at some point? Cos that would be useful and isn't offered.

    106. Activate Group by expression.
    I've heard this might be getting added.

    107. possibly a 32x32 image within a comment line
    Maybe you can get by with emojis. I think images in a comment line might be a bit much, but I can see the use in explaining visual problems. (Next it would be GIFs.) A lot of code comments don't offer this and end up getting creative with ASCII art.

    108. When opening a group the child events to indent, further to the right. ,we can see better.
    Hmm. Not a fan of that one.

    109. Put number in image editor for directions 1, 4, 8 ..
    If you hover over the little direction box in the direction wheel you'll get a tooltip saying it.

    110. Rename object from Event Conditions
    Object names are pretty much for the editor, not for runtime. Internally, in built apps, all the objects in events are referred to by ID numbers. This would be semantics and not tremendously useful, as names are only referred to in Create By Name action and OName$() expression.

    111. Interpolation in screen props

    112. Rename groups in the Act/Dea groups dialog
    I could see the use, but it's sort of out of scope - in a dialog to select something you're editing an underlying thing.

    113. In the Act/Dea groups dialog show line number to each group
    Not sure how useful that would be. You can type the group name in the selection box to jump to it, as it's an OS control.

    114. Have the option to delete any shader from the effects dialog..
    While that's doable, it's safer to make sure the user knows where that effect is used. It's not undoable when the change is potentially done to multiple frames and objects.

    115. Show the user which actives is using shaders.
    See where shaders are used would be a good idea. Similar to 114. Ctrl-Shift-F doesn't seem to cover that.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • 116. Show layer numbers for active objects witjout hovering an active
    Eh. Unless you're modifying it, it won't really matter.

    117. When set position of object have it you can change layers in the Layers Toolbar
    It's a little strange how you can't change layers simply, yeah.

    118. Rotate strings
    Not a whole lot of use for that. I think Windows does offer string rotation, but other OSes might not.

    119. Edit object in 'event editor' by right clicking properties
    You sort of can, right-click at top and press Display Properties. But as multiple objects could be in frame, it's not that useful.

    120. Show Groups activated deactivate through debugger
    You said that in 89.

    121. see the x,y dimensions of objects in propeties without placing object in workspace
    I don't think the editor knows until it creates the thing, because it doesn't exist yet to ask what the size is.

    122. Copy and Paste a graphic or the same positons... in the paint editor. and not in a top left corner.
    You said similar in 89. This is how most paint editors work, like MS Paint. They are single-image focused and don't store relative coordinates. It creates ambiguity if the new location is outside the canvas - do you paste outside the canvas? Move it back in? Expand the canvas?

    123. (Space objects) command in workspace is not acuratley working.
    I think that it does work, but it does depend on which is first selected with Ctrl.

    123. When editing cordinace from objects leave the x,y pos the same and not reset x,y

    124. Change the create object instead of create an entire object over again
    You mentioned that

    125. no pick count for time date object
    Wouldn't really be relevant for this object. You can always use a string to render the time.

    126. no order in time dates object
    Same as 125.

    127. close all groups throughout the source code.
    Mentioned already in 100 and 105.

    128. The ability to cloning objects in reverse x, y positons in frame editor using (-34 example)
    You can do that. Set the row spacing to -2 x object height, so -64 for an object of 32 px high.

    129. In qualifers show which has been used, perhaps tiny right hand corner like behaviour glpyh.
    Good idea, although I don't think Fusion tracks that, so it'll incur a performance penalty when it updates whenever a qualifier is added or removed, or last of an object is deleted, etc.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • If you like..someone to Create a new application insert sub-application in frame 1... in frame 2 insert a objects with 3 - 4 or layers.. make them move whatever do some interesting coding .. now insert frame 2 into your sub-application that's placed in frame 1..And tell me does it work well on droid Mac and iOS.

    Tell me exactly the limits.. layers what can work on runtime.? Which objects don't work an edit box.. actives, check for sound ..

    Infact, if you can guarantee me a sub-app extension that truly works.. you will be rich.

    It's no big deal I can find other ways around this.. but this is important.

  • After I realist my work the entire world will buy my product then ..then I will buy Clickteam..and pay you all ..hmm 100,000 a year to work for me.. the updates will be all done in 1 year.

    When your a billionaire you can do anything you want.

    I'm not just going to buy Clickteam I have another way better things to do.. . Lol

    Talk to Actors and restore films... That's what I'm into Films! .. I want to buy this it's about 25M

    i wanna look after everyone here.. I don't want to know you just fix whatever your lives are in.. because this how I became rich...the Clickteam software did it

    then the next wave of Clickteam fans can deal with the next fusion 4 5

    Sorry, I just read it's 120k for programmers I will pay them 500k! To speed things up.. but I would hire allot more programmers, because I know it takes forever..

    Till then

    but now I'm here..just bare with mePlease login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.

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