Hello, I've been trying to open a MFA of my game that I had saved in my drive on my cleaned up computer, I installed all the extensions and everything is there in the Runtime and Extensions folder, with the exception of one that whether I install it in the Unicode folder or not, this error pops up and prevents me from opening the MFA at all.
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Before you can ask if the Clickteam Fusion is pirated, is the one coming from Steam.
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I have the latest update on, which is the build R295.10. (though I'm not sure if it's actually the latest, I just reinstalled everything directly from Steam)
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I believe this also has something to do with the issue, I tried to open an already pre-built EXE from the same MFA (made in the same Steam CF before I reset my computer) and this window pops up too, I tried to reinstall Steam at least once and reinstall every single extension from scratch, but this error still appears, the NeoPic.mfx extension is on it's right folder (in Unicode both in Extensions and Runtime) I don't know what to do anymore, if anyone can help thank you.
If you want to know where I got the extension, I downloaded it from here: Please login to see this link.