I've been working on a game on and off for a while now that uses a controller as its input. I took a bit of a break from working on it, but just today I went to work on it again, when I noticed that my XBOX controller isn't being recognized by Fusion. I am using the Steam version and have tried turning Steam Input both on and off globally and just for Fusion. I created a new app to test the controller, and it still didn't work. I am using the Steam version of Clickteam Fusion 2.5+ and the Joystick 2 object in the game.
Edit: I should mention the controller DOES work, I even tested it through Steam (which I'm pretty sure is what's stopping the controller from working with Fusion) and there's no issue with the controller, not to mention that it's a new controller as well.
Edit 2: I tried building the application and it still isn't recognizing controller inputs, even with Steam closed. Yet I tried another non-Steam game and it's recognizing controller inputs just fine, now I'm more confused.
Update (FIXED): I went to 'Set up USB Game Controllers' clicked 'Advanced' and changed 'Preferred device' for older programs from 'None' to my controller, and now it works perfectly! I'll keep this post up just in case anyone else has this issue in the future.