Bug Report: Create at X,Y Actions Not Working in HTML5 and Android Exporters

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Issue Description
    The HTML5 and Android exporters are not properly handling two specific creation actions:
    - "Create at X, Y"
    - "Create by name at X, Y"

    When these actions are used, either:
    - The frame fails to run, or
    - The objects fail to be created

    Affected Exporters
    - HTML5 Exporter
    - Android Exporter

    Working Actions
    For reference, these creation methods work correctly:
    - Basic "Create"
    - "Create by name"

    Steps to Reproduce
    1. Create a project using any of these creation methods
    2. Test within Fusion: All creation methods work as expected
    3. Build and Run with HTML5/Android exporter:
    - Objects using "Create at X,Y" fail to appear
    - Objects using "Create by name at X,Y" fail to appear

    Test Project
    I have created a test project demonstrating all four creation methods across separate frames:
    1. Frame 2: Basic Create
    2. Frame 3: Create at X,Y
    3. Frame 4: Create by name
    4. Frame 5: Create by name at X,Y

    Expected Behavior
    All four creation methods should work identically between:
    - Running in Fusion
    - Running exported builds

    Actual Behavior
    - In Fusion: All creation methods work correctly
    - In Exported builds: Position-specific creation methods fail

    Multimedia Fusion Developer build 295.10

    Latest exporters (from Passport Temporary Access) installed.

  • Hallo Hristos,

    here work everything fine on html5. I don't know why it does not by you.

    By the way, in order to have a smooth movement of the active, I suggest you ( for html5 ) these settings:

    Please login to see this attachment.

    You say that the active fails to be created at the desired position. Could it be that you set a very high framerate ? I use usually 60 FPS. Try to pause the application and see where the active is. Or also, just send to a string obect the current position of the active. Something like so:

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Please login to see this attachment.

  • Your included MFA works just fine for me when exported to HTML5.

    The installers for the exporters don't always contain the latest versions of the runtime for their respective platforms, so you should always re-install the latest patch for Fusion itself after installing an exporter. This will update the runtime files for any installed exporters as well as the program itself.

    The latest build 295.10 Developer build can be found here: Please login to see this link.

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