A new version is available with new features.
This one is incompatible with old ones and can corrupt your MFA if a previous version is used.
Bugs corrected :
- Returned points coordinates don't work correctly if the object don't follow the frame.
- Sometimes the line could be pasted on the background
- Small memory leak when rendering the line
- Small memory leak when destroy VectorialLine object
- Transformations are not applied if made too early
- Fine collisions don't work correctly if the object is invisible
New features :
- New properties to customize the line (color, alpha, thickness, points positions) without actions
- New transformation : Flip points (horizontally and/or vertically)
- New expression : "Get line angle" which allow to get the line angle between the start point and the end point of the line.
- New expression : "Get 2 points angle" which allow to get the angle between 2 points
- New expression : "Get Color"
- New expression : "Get Alpha"
- New expression : "Get Thickness"
- New expression : "Get Dash style"
- New expression : "Get Dash offset"
Optimizations :
- The render of the line should be a little bit faster
Examples :
- Some of old examples has been updated to support this new version (others has been corrupted)
- New example "Vectorial Art"
- New example "Vectorial Line of sight" (a very simple line of sight)
- New example "Vectorial Example"
- New example "Vectorial Line skin"
Known bugs :
- MMF2 Crash if a function with parameters is called after the object has been destroyed. It's an MMF2 bug.
In the future :
- Maybe a way to test collisions between the line and backdrops (it's actually a MMF2 problem)
- Your ideas...
As you can see, a lot lot lot of things can be done thanks to a line. VectorialLine is much much more than a simple bitmap line, it's also a real vector object.
I'm waiting for your examples.
Due a SDK limitation, I can't add the functions for testing collisions from VectorialLine... But I'll see what I cant do for it...