[Beta4] Sphax VectorialLine object

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • A new version is available with new features. :D

    This one is incompatible with old ones and can corrupt your MFA if a previous version is used.

    Bugs corrected :
    - Returned points coordinates don't work correctly if the object don't follow the frame.
    - Sometimes the line could be pasted on the background
    - Small memory leak when rendering the line
    - Small memory leak when destroy VectorialLine object
    - Transformations are not applied if made too early
    - Fine collisions don't work correctly if the object is invisible

    New features :
    - New properties to customize the line (color, alpha, thickness, points positions) without actions
    - New transformation : Flip points (horizontally and/or vertically)
    - New expression : "Get line angle" which allow to get the line angle between the start point and the end point of the line.
    - New expression : "Get 2 points angle" which allow to get the angle between 2 points
    - New expression : "Get Color"
    - New expression : "Get Alpha"
    - New expression : "Get Thickness"
    - New expression : "Get Dash style"
    - New expression : "Get Dash offset"

    Optimizations :
    - The render of the line should be a little bit faster

    Examples :
    - Some of old examples has been updated to support this new version (others has been corrupted)
    - New example "Vectorial Art"
    - New example "Vectorial Line of sight" (a very simple line of sight)
    - New example "Vectorial Example"
    - New example "Vectorial Line skin"

    Known bugs :
    - MMF2 Crash if a function with parameters is called after the object has been destroyed. It's an MMF2 bug.

    In the future :
    - Maybe a way to test collisions between the line and backdrops (it's actually a MMF2 problem)
    - Your ideas...

    As you can see, a lot lot lot of things can be done thanks to a line. VectorialLine is much much more than a simple bitmap line, it's also a real vector object. ;)

    I'm waiting for your examples. :D

    Due a SDK limitation, I can't add the functions for testing collisions from VectorialLine... :( But I'll see what I cant do for it...

  • Here is a thread I've just discovered : Please login to see this link.

    They speak about an object like Drawline but with fine collisions testing etc... :D

    They will be happy after the CC07 ! :D

    Please login to see this link.

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