There is too many modifications since last beta version and I've not wrote the list of all the new features.
But here is a non exhaustive one:
- general: New icon
- general: The object is now compatible with MMF2 movements (but some features are not currently fully compatible)
- general: The object can now check if it's in collision with another object
- general: Support for SVG format (import/export)
- action: "Refine the shape" to automatically add points where needed
- action: "Set position of a new point" to add a point at the end of the shape (it was possible before with "set position of a point" but it's now faster with this new function)
- action: "Set number of points to display" to make the shape partially drawn on the frame
- action: "Collision mask to BMP" to export the collision mask picture
- expression: "Get area" in 3 versions, both are more or less precise (all are approximation).
- expression: "Get most far pointID from coordinates" to get the point ID which the most far from coordinates
- expression: "Get nearest pointID from angle" to get the point ID which is the nearest one from coordinates and angle
- and more...
Bugs corrected:
- Some glitches appear when the rotation of the linear gradient is at 360° (don't know if I can do anything against that)
- The object does not follow correctly the frame if the layer has a coefficient different from 1
Known bugs:
- The object is not compatible with HWA mode but all non graphical features work well.
- The object can be 1 frame late when scrolling