Where does the suggestions for MMF2 go?
I have one, anyway...
I'd like to see some development done on the expression evaluator.
* I'd like a feature to format large expressions with line breaks and tabular spaces, something like Shift+Enter in MSN Messenger.
* Also something like intermediate variables would be nifty in the most advanced scenarios.
* One more thing, if you could add one function like Debug(value, message) to the list of buttons, to make it output to some kind of log window, which would replace all those damned counters I use Maybe this is possible through the Debug window thing that's appeared in the top left?
like x("My Active") / 180 * Debug(Alterable Value A("My Active"), "Alterable A of Active in formula")
would output "Alterable A of Active in formula" | (the actual value here) to some kind of list box...
Any ideas?