I made a simple little widget to take care of 360 degree shooting. Probably been done before but whatever...
* mouse aiming
* automatic sprite rotation (32 dir. & 360 degree quick/quality)
* variable bullet angle/speed/accuracy/gravity
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Open a TicketI made a simple little widget to take care of 360 degree shooting. Probably been done before but whatever...
* mouse aiming
* automatic sprite rotation (32 dir. & 360 degree quick/quality)
* variable bullet angle/speed/accuracy/gravity
Very nice little widget!
Looks like an useful widget, and I like how there's comments that explains the usage.
Two things though:
* The events themselves are not commented! If you want people to learn something from your public example files, it's a lot easier if they can follow your thoughts.
* Why not rename the "Reserved" alterable values with ones beginning with an underscore to mark that they should not be changed. If the name reflects what they do, it's a lot easier for other people to understand how the widget works.
I can't help to recognize the expression used to retrieve the angle btw! Looks like my "doom expression" as I call it X)
Thanks for the suggestions.
Yes, it is your angle formula
I may add comments later, but to be honest I don't think this is the way for newcomers to learn. There are much simpler 360 degree shooting examples (using the Advanced Direction object for example) that would be far more suitable for people to learn from. Because it's a widget and only uses one object, the code is unnecessarily complex.
Besides, I couldn't explain the maths behind your angle formula if I wanted to.
This is really intended more for the total beginner who, for the time being at least, just wants to have more precise shooting in their game without having to learn any complicated maths.
(almost)total beginner here, incapable of learning any complicated math, can verify the above comment! THANK YOU!!!!!! lol
There's no need to explain the maths behind the "doom expression". I actually originally made that expression as a joke X)
However, you can at least write what the events are there for, and what their purpose are. Commenting your code should just be a reflex, and to train a reflex you have to be consequent and do it all the time when you program. As a programmer, it's out of the question for me to not comment code, even if I'll be the only one reading those comments. Not commenting code that will show up in public is almost alien to me.
if you attempt to make an even quasi-complex game you NEED to comment everything.
Exactly the same, but now commented.
Excellent work on this!
(requires a recent build of MMF2).
is it me or the file looks corrupted?
You're right - I've never had that happen before.
Thanks for pointing that out.
I've fixed it now.
I definitely needed this for Massacre!
im using this in my new game bloodshed, and sometimes shooting doesnt work and you have to move to make it work... any help on this?
Hi MuddyMole, or maybe Sketchy? Can you remake this widget on clickteam fusion? Gravity isn't working
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