Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Heya, been over a year since xLua's been brought up, but now that MMF2.5 is running on a Unicode base, I noticed some difficulties with strings in xLua. It appears that if a Unicode string is passed via parameters in an MMF2 function call it will normalize it into ascii for Lua's strings and be able to compare, take lengths of them, etc, just fine, but if you directly pull a string from an object via the MMFI, ie, object.getstring(id,0), it will pull the 2-byte unicode string array instead of the normalized 1-byte string, and any comparisons to it with static strings will fail.

    I'm trying to think whether there is any way this could or should be fixed on either on MMFUnicode's end or on the xLua object, or if its worth it to port over one of the unicode normalization libraries (compile a .dll and use it as an external library?). I could probably just create a table look-up for my own purposes.

  • To add onto that- from what I can tell, all the GetString() function returns is the first letter of the string, as it mistakes the second byte for a null terminator. So even if I could compile a library to normalize unicode strings, it wouldn't do me any good. Is there any way to yank these strings out of MMF, at least, at more than a single byte? Same problem with GetName()

  • Is it possible to create functions within an API?

    Lets say that I want to create a function for shutting down the program. I use the function shutdown() to do so and add a action in MMF to shut down the program. But i want that function to be a part of an API consisting of other functions.
    So instead of calling shutdown() I can instead call app.shutdown() where app is the API consisting of function and shutdown is the function to close the program.

  • Well, it's been a pretty long while since I've been around. I'm curious how this object has aged, what holes have opened up as the fusion platform has changed, etc.


    Xlua has been an absolutely necessary part of my Fusion usage ever since I was taught of its existence and how to use lua. Thanks for making it!

    It seems that mmf.newObject() has a memory leak; using it extensively accumulates memory usage, leading to an eventual crash. There are some other features with slightly similar problems but for the most part the object seems to work perfectly. The online documentation is also great. Again, thanks!

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