That might take a miracle, Zabooza. With no miracle, I bet it might be a LONG, long way off ... if ever.
It would be great to be able to create .swf files with MMF2, though
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Open a TicketThat might take a miracle, Zabooza. With no miracle, I bet it might be a LONG, long way off ... if ever.
It would be great to be able to create .swf files with MMF2, though
What is the minimum requirement** that a mobile needs to run games .jar (mmf)?
**Technical specifications
1,024 kb would be Ideal I'd think. But you'd want to keep as far away from that limit as you could. Not that you couldn't make a more ambitious application, but you also don't want to destroy all the ram in someones phone. I would say personally 300kb for your app would be the target size.
Remember you can do alot with that much room...
this is 39.6kb So scale is what you'd want.
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Shot at 2009-03-25
for anyone's information.
Is 249 considered production at this point or still in beta?
Still beta - Mainly just do to working on the java exporters I believe but still beta. No real reports of any problems yet on the regular runtime that I have heard of.
Do you think it's likely that the platform movement object will be made available for java in this build?
In #249 the Mouse object condition "Mouse Moved", where it then comes up with the expression editor and you can input say "> 0", doesn't seem to work in this new version whereas it seemed to work pretty well before as I recall.
#249 basically acts as though the condition isn't there and regards it as being like "Always".
A problem with that could be if you have an object with the mouse movement. Francois said when he made it he forced the mouse to stay in the middle of the screen so the cursor doesn't actually move.
If it comes to Platform Movement Obj. I think the default platform movement should be replaced with it.
And little bug report:
I experience that since TGF 1.0.6, that came to me with computer magazine.
1. Add an active to frame and set the movement to bouncing ball
2. Add following events:
Start Of Frame:
Play music: ezloop.mid
Comment: This is short 15-second long midi (a length is irrelevant)
Is a specific music (ezloop) not playing:
Play Sunny2.mid
Active leaves the frame:
Active Bounce
And run the app. After end of first midi (ezloop.mid) the active will "jumping".
A mfa:
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(click Pobierz plik, thats mean Download file )
Blackberry Error and question
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I can use the JDE_4.0.2 or JDE_4.7 instead of JDE_4.0 ?????????? (Renaming the folder to "BlackBerry JDE 4.0")
Yes I think you can use version 4.7.0. In the next version there will be an option in the preferences to let you choose the directory of the BlackBerry SDK.
In the current version there are 2 known issues with the BlackBerry : you must not include space characters in the COD name, and you cannot use movement extensions. Both will be fixed in the next update (an error message will be displayed if you enter space characters in the filename).
This is not a bug : when you start a music the system takes a few moment, MMF cannot run in this time.
Is not bug, eh? So why in other programs, e.g. RPG Maker music, even midi can be changed instantly? And yes, this IS bug, because I cannot make soundtrack what contains more than 1 midi file, because user will close game instead of waiting for
Quotethe system takes a few moment.
And if that, what you saying, will be true, then even on "Start of frame"
Quotethe system takes a few moment.
//edit: And of course you cannot use another thread for music?
MMF2 uses MCI to play MIDI files, I guess there would be no delay if it was using its own sequencer. That's in the wish list for future versions.
PS: please do not report bugs that are not specific to the build 249 in this thread, thanks.
Bug Report-
Description: Tearing occurs without VSYNC, turning VSYNC on leaves artifacts
Platform: Java J2ME (esmertec JBed) - Windows Mobile 6.1
Device: HTC Polaris (QVGA)
VSync does not have any effect in Java.
Hi there about the Mouse Object's "distance mouse moved" condition not working in #249 - it's not a mouse-movement controlled object causing the issue. There is no such object in the frame and the mouse pointer therefore moves freely. This condition worked OK in #248. Can this be looked into for #250?
If it's some kind of problem with the Mouse object, I'll try to locate its author and see if they can update the object with a workaround.
Is there any other way of detecting whether or not the mouse is moving in the meantime?
Perhaps another extension or a cunning workaround?
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