Snake Widget
Created by stephen1980
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Release Date: May 02, 2009
Size: 16.4kb Rar File
OS: Vista/XP
This is a widget for making old-school snake games.
Snake Timer = The time it takes for bodys to be created after eating food. (Note: Do NOT set this value higher than the "Snake Speed" value!)
Snake Speed = The speed at which the snake moves. Lower Number = Faster, Higher Number = Slower
Snake Direction = Direction of the snake. 0 = Right, 8 = Up, 16 = Left, 24 = Down
Snake Length = The length of the snake. (Body Count)
Player Score = Simple Built In Score System. Shows the current score.
Start = Start Game Variable. 0 = Not Moving, 1 = Moving
Snake X Pos = The X coordinates of the snake.
Snake Y Pos = The Y coordinates of the snake.
Bodys To Add = The number of bodies to add when the snake eats the food.
Add To Player Score = The number of points to add to the player's score when the snake eats the food.
Snake Size = The size of the snake head & body graphics. (Default is 16x16)
Food Size = The size of the Food graphic. (Default is 16x16)
*Collisions Note = Create/Drop in a backdrop with the properties set to "Obstacle" and the snake will automatically collide with it and set the "Start" value to 0. The snake will also collide with itself.*
How To Use:
Drop the Snake Head, Snake Body, & Snake Food objects into a frame. Set the values, and have fun!
Special Thanks:
Nick Gregory (for the engine I learned from.) & Clickteam Forums (for the help & answers.)
ClickTeam (For the best program available today.)
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