When I started my current project, I was using an earlier beta of MMF2 HWA. The display mode was Direct 3D 8 and it ran fine.
It continues to run fine on my computer. However, if I switch AWAY from Direct3D 8 (to, for example, Standard), then immediately back, the game runs very sluggishly. Direct3D 9 runs slowly too.
Was there a major change in the Direct3D 8 code at some point that might have caused this?
My game has a TON of backdrops, which seems to bog down the "new" Direct3D 8.
Edit: I've figured part of it out. It's not the number of backdrops that matters. It's the size of the frame. If it gets much bigger than 5000x5000 it starts to rapidly decline in performance with the newer Direct3D.